Welcome to Desert Alchemy Flower Essences

Producing quality flower essences from the unique plants of the Arizona deserts since 1983

Desert Scene

Upcoming Workshops & Presentations


A Community of Support for Self-Awareness
March 26, 2025

with Cynthia Athina Kemp Scherer

Information and Registration


16-Week Online Flower Essence Training
March 13 to June 26, 2025

UPDATED with the latest research and new insights into specific healing issues!

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Timely Flower Essences

A selection of universally applicable flower essences for this time.
You can use them in any combination or any of them on their own.

Desert Holly

Are are living from your head rather than your heart?

If you are living from your head rather than your heart, this flower essence can help. It supports you in experiencing love as its true nature, not as a conditioned or obligated state of being.

Desert Holly flower essence helps you allow grace to remove blockages you might have in giving or receiving love, rather than feeling you have to work hard at it or push to make it happen.

Morning Glory Tree

Is your addictive behavior inherited?

Sometimes you may become unconsciously drawn into an addictive pattern you learned as a child from one or more of your ancestors. This flower essence helps you separate your own thoughts from inherited ones.

Morning Glory Tree flower essence can take you on a journey to your subconscious underworld and show you patterns you have taken on from others. It then helps you clear and change your perspectives to a fresh new way of being.

Palmer Amaranth

What truly nourishes you?

We can tend to focus on things that not most essential during difficult times. Palmer Amaranth helps you understand and feel what is truly essential.

As a flower essence, this plant brings us a simple, but essential, support. Kabir, a great poet saint of the late fifteenth century, wrote, ‘If you want to enjoy an abundance of flower and fruit, nourish the root’.

This is the phrase that sums up the gift of Palmer Amaranth flower essence.

It helps awaken an aspect of your consciousness that allows you to see what truly nourishes you at the core or root of your being.

Latest News


And the ESSENCE of the YEAR 2025 is…

Every year Cynthia asks the devas to indicate a flower essence that is universally applicable that supports our continuing evolution and sets a theme of focus for the new year.

Read the announcement of the Flower Essence of the Year 2025:

Read the article here

Updated Article!

Using Flower Essences with Pets

We updated our article on using flower essences with pets with a mini cross reference.

Read the article here

About Us

We produce quality flower essences from the unique plants of the Arizona deserts, and make them available to holistic health practitioners and self-help users.

As pioneers of desert flower essences, our extensive research began in 1983 and continues today. Our publications are dedicated to sharing this research with others.

We provide flower essence therapy courses to health practitioners and individuals who wish to add flower essences to their repertory of healing tools.

We offer private flower essence consultations to individuals interested in using flower essences for emotional support, attitudinal changes, and self-awareness.
[more about us]

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