Crisis-Desert Emergency Formula

Essence Type: Composite Formula

Flower Essence Description

This is a combination formula to facilitate appropriate response in any crisis situation. It helps us to be able to emerge from the belief that there are no choices. The Chinese hexagram for crisis is composed of two characters: danger and opportunity. The Crisis Formula supports our ability to stay present in apparent danger for the opportunity. This is a universal formula appropriate for any situation.

Contains: Aloe, Cliff Fendlerbush, Desert Holly, Klein's Pencil Cholla Cactus, Purple Aster.

Indicated When

  • I am having a physical, emotional or spiritual crisis right now.
  • I am having difficulty staying focused and being “in the moment”.
  • I am just having a “bad day” and need some support.
  • I want to have one flower essence that is useful for any challenging circumstance or emergency.

How to use and related questions


Crisis-Desert Emergency Formula is related to the following keywords:

abandonedabuseacceptanceadaptabilityaddictionadjustmentadolescenceagitationanxietyattitudinal shiftavoidanceawkwardnessbabiesbalanceburdenedburn-outcalmcellular memorycenteredchallengeclarityconceptionconfidenceconflictconfusionconsciouscontentmentcouragecrabbycrisisdangerdefeatismdespairdespondentdetacheddifficultydisassociateddiscernmentdisconnecteddisillusionmentdisintegrationdisordereddisorientationdistracteddramaeaseelectro-shockempowermentenduranceeruptexcitabilityexternalfearfirst aidfreneticfrenzyfrustrationgloomygroundedhardshipharmonyhealing crisishelplesshidinghighs and lowsholocaust survivorhypersensitivehysteriaimbalancein the momentinhibitedjet laglighteninglimbonegativenervousnon-attachmentnumbobsessionoverreactoverviewoverwhelmedpainpanicpatiencepeaceperceptionperspectivepost traumatic stress disorderpower strugglespre-menstrual syndromepresentreactiverealityregressionresignationresistanceresolutionrespondrestlessriskingrootscatteredsecurityself-healingsensitiveshatteredshocksolutionsourcespontaneitystabilitysteadinessstillnessstressstrugglestucktensionterrortranscendencetransformationtransitiontransmutationtraumatravelturmoilunbalancedunraveledupheavalupsetviolationviolencevulnerablewillwill to healwill to liveworry


Crisis-Desert Emergency Formula is mentioned in the following core-issue articles:

The Core Issue: Agitation
focusing on the future or the past keeps you disconcerted
The Core Issue: Avoidance
overly focused on the future or the past, avoiding present-moment awareness
Seven Flower Essences for Babies
fed up and just can't be placated
Seven Flower Essences for Babies
Seven Flower Essences for Babies
temper tantrums (with Clearing and Releasing Formula)
Seven Flower Essences for Babies
cranky (with Fairy Duster)
The Core Issue: Releasing Cellular Trauma
supports your ability to stay centered and present with the process of releasing old trauma and abuse
Using Flower Essences with Children
shock, trauma, or excitement
Using Flower Essences with Children
cry constantly when left with others (use together with Milky Nipple Cactus)
Using Flower Essences with Children
temper tantrums (used together with Violet Curls and Clearing & Releasing Formula)
The Core Issue: Emotional Overwhelm
brings you into the present moment, where calm and objectivity enhance simple being
The Core Issue: Frustration
in any frustrating situation, the Crisis Formula helps you find inner patience, balance, and the ability to be fully present in the moment
The Core Issue: Overwhelm
helps bring you into the present moment, supporting calm, clear thinking and body awareness
Using Desert Alchemy® Flower Essences with Pets and Other Animals
Used for all upsetting situations, this composite formula helps keep animals calm. It is excellent for recovery from shock and trauma.
The Core Issue: Self-discipline
tendency to think too much about the future or the past, rather than take action just for today
The Core Issue: Sensitivity
This is the essence that can help us be present and deal with pain or intensity instead of running away from it or dissociating to escape. By remaining present and focusing on the pain or the situation that is causing it, we actualize the process of transformation and use our sensitivity in a way that moves us through the pain and out the other side.
The Core Issue: Recovery from Traumatic Experiences
reliving the feelings from a previous traumatic experience (use together with Cellular Joy Formula and Rainbow Cactus); anxiousness accompanied by thoughts of impending challenges and difficulties (use together with Strawberry Cactus); unable to be present and in the moment; numbness, disbelief, feeling out of your body, dissociated, or ungrounded
The Core Issue: Travel Concerns
impatience; faced with a physical, emotional, or spiritual crisis; for any situation in which you need to remain calm and centered; over-excitement that keeps you from being able to sleep (used together with Fairy Duster); inability to sleep because you nervous system is overstimulated and your mind is on over-drive (used together with Fairy Duster); inability to sleep because of hyper-vigilance due to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (used together with Fairy Duster); helping your body rhythms keep up with time zone changes (used together with Woven Spine Pineapple Cactus and Remembering Starry Origins); losing a sense of your essential self while faced with new and different cultures and people (used together with Remembering Starry Origins Formula); falling into old behavioral patterns especially when visiting family or people from your past (used together with Making & Honoring Boundaries Formula)
The Core Issue: Sleep
brings you into the present moment where All Is; regeneration through letting go of worries and past or future situations


Crisis-Desert Emergency Formula is part of the following series or practitioner kits:

Composite Formulas Kit

This kit includes our well-known line of 47 composite formulas that have in-depth descriptions in The Alchemy of the Desert – Second Edition .

Travel Kit

Kit with 7 flower essences for common travel concerns. Includes a travel-size atomizer.

More information

The above information is an excerpt of the book The Alchemy of the Desert - Fourth Edition by Cynthia Athina Kemp Scherer. Please refer to that book for in-depth information about this flower essence.

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