
Using Desert Alchemy® Flower Essences with Pets and Other Animals

Pets are such a blessing to us. They provide us with companionship, loyalty, an exercise buddy, unconditional love, and more.

Sometimes they can use a little help from the flower essence world, especially if they have a history of trauma, were initially feral, or have other behavioral issues in adapting to a new environment.

How to use
Pets and animals respond very well to flower essences. To administer them to an animal, use four or more drops in the animal’s drinking water, four or more times a day. For horses or other large animals, use ten to twenty drops at a time. Another powerful way to use them is by placing a few drops on your hands and stroking the animal down the spine or other parts of the body.
Length of time
The length of time to use an essence may vary. A guideline is to use the flower essence for two to three weeks and observe the animal’s behavior.
Number of essences
It is fine to use more than one flower essence at the same time. Usually up to four or five essences are indicated.
For more information about combining flower essences and determining a cycle time, see The Art & Technique of Using Flower Essences.
Click any of the buttons below to see recommended essences.
Click the name of the flower essence for more information.

Agressive, Disruptive

Mountain Mahogany
For pets that are too agressive.
Sow Thistle
For pets and animals with obnoxious or overly domineering behavior.

Fearful, Shy

Cane Cholla Cactus
For overly defensive behavior, it helps pets have a new perspective of a situation.
Desert Holly
For pets that run away from loving attention.
Scorpion Weed
For fear of a specific thing, such as thunder, a rope, or a particular person.
Spineless Prickly Pear Cactus
For apprehensive, fearful, or distrustful animals, especially during or after a move to a new home.
Strengthens motivation and inspiration to change something an animal has accepted as a limitation.
Thurber’s Gilia
For fear, especially the kind that paralyzes or freezes an animal in inaction.

Jealous, Not Getting Along with other Pets

Mala Mujer
For pets that exhibit jealousy, either of a baby, a certain person, or another pet or animal. It is also excellent for ill-tempered animals.
Wild Buckwheat
For the pet with a “prima dona” attitude, this essence supports blending with others and getting along.
Black Locust
For uncompromising pets that exhibit stubborn determination and disregard for others. It may be used together with Wild Buckwheat for introducing a new pet into a household with others.

Nervous, Upset

Crisis-Desert Emergency Formula
Used for all upsetting situations, this composite formula helps keep animals calm. It is excellent for recovery from shock and trauma.
Black Locust
For uncompromising pets that exhibit stubborn determination and disregard for others. It may be used together with Wild Buckwheat for introducing a new pet into a household with others.
Fairy Duster
For “high strung”, nervous pets or animals, this essence can be calming and soothing.

New Environment or Situation

Prickly Pear Cactus
To help an animal adapt to a new environment or adjust to a new situation.
Spineless Prickly Pear Cactus
For apprehensive, fearful, or distrustful animals, especially during or after a move to a new home.
Strengthens motivation and inspiration to change something an animal has accepted as a limitation.
Teddy Bear Cholla Cactus
Use this essence for pets that are tentative in bonding with a new person or pet.
Transitions Formula
Change and transitions can be upsetting and disorienting for pets. This composite formula helps them handle change with ease.

Recovery from Trauma & Abuse

Cellular Joy Formula
Use this formula for releasing the cellular effects of physical abuse or physically traumatic events.
Coral Bean
Animals that have been abused may expect the same treatment again and again. This essence can help an animal change its expectation of people and situations that in the past were dangerous.
Crisis-Desert Emergency Formula
Used for all upsetting situations, this composite formula helps keep animals calm. It is excellent for recovery from shock and trauma.
Desert Sumac
For pets that were abused or mal-treated, this essence helps them build trust and a sense of connection to people.
Milky Nipple Cactus
For animals and pets that had weaning problems or did not suckle. Use this essence for all pets who have been abandoned.
Thurber’s Gilia
For fear, especially the kind that paralyzes or freezes an animal in inaction.
Woven Spine Pineapple Cactus
For revitalization and regeneration of energy, especially if the animal has been overworked or exhausted. It is also excellent during recovery from a physical illness.

Separation Anxiety

Use this essence for pets that long for a departed loved one.
Milky Nipple Cactus
For animals and pets that had weaning problems or did not suckle. Use this essence for all pets who have been abandoned.


Big Root Jatropha
This essence can be used to help an animal assimilate information during training.
Claret Cup Hedgehog Cactus
Another essence to help pets during training, this essence supports focus and attention span.
Wild Woman Formula
This essence can be used to help tame feral cats or other wild animals when appropriate.

List of the Flower Essences Mentioned in this Article

Big Root Jatropha
This essence can be used to help an animal assimilate information during training.
Black Locust
For uncompromising pets that exhibit stubborn determination and disregard for others. It may be used together with Wild Buckwheat for introducing a new pet into a household with others.
Cane Cholla Cactus
For overly defensive behavior, it helps pets have a new perspective of a situation.
Cellular Joy Formula
Use this formula for releasing the cellular effects of physical abuse or physically traumatic events.
Claret Cup Hedgehog Cactus
Another essence to help pets during training, this essence supports focus and attention span.
Coral Bean
Animals that have been abused may expect the same treatment again and again. This essence can help an animal change its expectation of people and situations that in the past were dangerous.
Crisis-Desert Emergency Formula
Used for all upsetting situations, this composite formula helps keep animals calm. It is excellent for recovery from shock and trauma.
Desert Holly
For pets that run away from loving attention.
Desert Sumac
For pets that were abused or mal-treated, this essence helps them build trust and a sense of connection to people.
Fairy Duster
For “high strung”, nervous pets or animals, this essence can be calming and soothing.
Mala Mujer
For pets that exhibit jealousy, either of a baby, a certain person, or another pet or animal. It is also excellent for ill-tempered animals.
Use this essence for pets that long for a departed loved one.
Milky Nipple Cactus
For animals and pets that had weaning problems or did not suckle. Use this essence for all pets who have been abandoned.
Mountain Mahogany
For pets that are too agressive.
Prickly Pear Cactus
To help an animal adapt to a new environment or adjust to a new situation.
Scorpion Weed
For fear of a specific thing, such as thunder, a rope, or a particular person.
Sow Thistle
For pets and animals with obnoxious or overly domineering behavior.
Spineless Prickly Pear Cactus
For apprehensive, fearful, or distrustful animals, especially during or after a move to a new home.
Strengthens motivation and inspiration to change something an animal has accepted as a limitation.
Teddy Bear Cholla Cactus
Use this essence for pets that are tentative in bonding with a new person or pet.
Thurber's Gilia
For fear, especially the kind that paralyzes or freezes an animal in inaction.
Transitions Formula
Change and transitions can be upsetting and disorienting for pets. This composite formula helps them handle change with ease.
Wild Buckwheat
For the pet with a “prima dona” attitude, this essence supports blending with others and getting along.
Wild Woman Formula
This essence can be used to help tame feral cats or other wild animals when appropriate.
Woven Spine Pineapple Cactus
For revitalization and regeneration of energy, especially if the animal has been overworked or exhausted. It is also excellent during recovery from a physical illness.
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