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The following flower essences are related to aging.
Click on the name of the flower essence for more information and to check if it is pertinent to your need.

Evening Star

Evening Star is wonderful for problems of intimacy in relationships due to doubt about our emerging identity. It encourages us in shifting from outer dependence to self-reliance with confidence and quiet surety.


If we have a false persona, Mariola restores the congruence of our inner experience and outer expression, provoking our essential honesty and enthusiasm.

ReSourcerer of ReCreation Formula

Life is a continuous re-creation. We are constantly learning, growing and re-creating ourselves. The archetypal sourcerer is he who has learned to transform and re-create. This formula helps activate this principle within us so we recognize that we have all the resources we need to re-create ourselves with fun and joy.


If we have difficulty in bringing a project or some aspect of ourselves to fruition or completion, Salsify supports us in the maturation process. It is excellent for finding all the vital elements for growth and the expression of our full potential.

Senita Cactus

The grandparent’s perspective opens the flow of emotion without pain, without bitterness from the past or expectations for the future. Senita helps us access from within us a soft, sweet support for letting go of old perspectives that keep us locked into unsettled emotions.

Woman of Wisdom Formula

Although this formula is specific for creating balance during the important transition of menopause, it is applicable for women of many ages. It helps support the alchemical process of changing experience into wisdom, of allowing our transition into an elder of society and of experiencing the power that comes through acceptance and release.

See also

beauty self-esteem old
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Desert Alchemy