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The following flower essences are related to birth.
Click on the name of the flower essence for more information and to check if it is pertinent to your need.

Birthing Harmony Formula

We formulated this together with a licensed midwife who had facilitated over 600 births. The formula focuses on surrendering to the primal energy of the birthing process. It facilitates harmonizing the emotional body to express feminine energies at their highest level. It is a wonderful support for “inner births” as well as childbirth.

New Mother’s Formula

This is for supporting a harmonious transition to motherhood, whether we have “given birth” to new parts of ourselves or given birth to a baby. It easily opens instinctual and intuitive senses to know our (inner or outer) child’s needs and how to nurture them. We learn surrender to universal energy as the source for all our functions. It helps us to softly but powerfully be the center. It supports inner peace and outer giving, nurturing and empathy.

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Desert Alchemy