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The following flower essences are related to crossroads.
Click on the name of the flower essence for more information and to check if it is pertinent to your need.

Birdcage Evening Primrose

Birdcage Evening Primrose is for those who are overly influenced by what others think is right for them. It helps us see through other’s projected images and ideals to realize forms of self-expression that are in harmony with our essential nature. It enhances belief in ourselves and discernment of our own unique soul pattern.

Connecting with Purpose Formula

Defining our purpose is simple but often something we neglect to do. This formula helps us to define our purpose and then integrate it into our daily life.


If we are pulled between two choices, Ratany enables us to recognize, follow and communicate the truth in our hearts.

Spanish Bayonet Yucca

An excellent essence to help us when we experience indecisiveness, hesitation or fear in facing challenges. It provokes a unification of our will with our intention.

Woman of Wisdom Formula

Although this formula is specific for creating balance during the important transition of menopause, it is applicable for women of many ages. It helps support the alchemical process of changing experience into wisdom, of allowing our transition into an elder of society and of experiencing the power that comes through acceptance and release.

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Desert Alchemy