
Search Results

The following flower essences are related to erratic.
Click on the name of the flower essence for more information and to check if it is pertinent to your need.

Buffalo Gourd

Buffalo Gourd helps us maintain a deep inner place of healing and calm while participating in external activity. The keyword here is balance, knowing that “I Am the center”.

Candy Barrel Cactus

Fostering mental and emotional calmness, Candy Barrel helps us recognize our inner wisdom and uncover long stored abilities.

Fairy Duster

Fairy Duster balances the tendency to swing between high and low energy states. We can use this essence when we have inflated expectations or build castles in the air. It is excellent for nervous excitability and over-reactivity to stimuli.

Mala Mujer

Mala Mujer helps the positive expression of feminine qualities, releasing emotional tensions and bringing a lighter, more honest quality to our overall self-expression. It is for when we are bitchy, venomous, shrewish, or grouchy. (Guys! This means you too!)

Wind & Storm Formula

Wind & Storm Formula helps us flow with situations rather than demanding control over them. It is useful when we need an essence for allowing changes or chaos to flow through us without resisting or becoming rigid. This essence restores our balance if we are frenetic or out-of-control and we find appropriate response to life situations.

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Desert Alchemy