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The following flower essences are related to grounded.
Click on the name of the flower essence for more information and to check if it is pertinent to your need.

Arizona Sycamore

For those who experience life or relationships as confining or entrapping, Arizona Sycamore helps you find inner freedom. It is excellent for those who feel confined or limited by their bodies.


While gently diffusing old patterns, Camphorweed brings a sense of purpose and appropriateness, helping us to stay on track, feel grounded and bring things into manifestation. It is excellent for when we find ourselves caught up in adrenaline producing situations.

Cardon Cactus

Powerful energy is released as repressed feelings of inadequacy and inferiority are unlocked. Helps us accept our shadow side so that it becomes a source of strength and confidence.

Coral Bean

Coral Bean helps overcome a drug-like dulling of the survival instinct. It stimulates focus and will in facing or recovering from dangerous situations.

Crisis-Desert Emergency Formula

This is a combination formula to facilitate appropriate response in any crisis situation. It helps us to be able to emerge from the belief that there are no choices. The Chinese hexagram for crisis is composed of two characters: danger and opportunity. The Crisis Formula supports our ability to stay present in apparent danger for the opportunity. This is a universal formula appropriate for any situation.


When we feel inadequate, weak, emotionally needy or detached from the flow of vital life force, Damiana relaxes and restores our radiant fullness of energy and sensuality.

Desert Marigold

When we think that someone else has power over us, Desert Marigold helps us recognize how we actually give the power to them. For taking responsibility and transforming victim consciousness.

Embracing Humanness Formula

This combination formula is to help us be more fully human. It facilitates the acceptance of our human emotions, characteristics, and our bodies as the form in which to express our wholeness. It enhances our ability to get along with people and to flow easily in interaction with others and the earth. It helps us use the five senses to gain wisdom and understanding.

Fairy Duster

Fairy Duster balances the tendency to swing between high and low energy states. We can use this essence when we have inflated expectations or build castles in the air. It is excellent for nervous excitability and over-reactivity to stimuli.

Indigo Bush

Indigo Bush helps anchor our spiritually achieved ideas into daily life. It warms the heart and brings the light of clear seeing or inner sight to an area that needs it.

Integrating Being & Doing Formula

This combination of essences is wonderful for workaholics or those who “do” in order to escape being present with themselves. It helps us find the balance of stillness within action, being while we are doing. It is of special support to those of us who define ourselves by what we do.


For the overly sensitive individual who finds it hard to cope with the mundane, Jojoba brings a sense of ease and security. This grounding essence helps us to participate in daily life and relationships.

Milky Nipple Cactus

The Milky Nipple Cactus person demands constant attention from others. This “weaning” essence calms, gives a sense of belonging to the earth and transforms dependence into self-nurturing autonomy.

Organ Pipe Cactus

This cactus helps us survive the dark night of the soul wherein we question our foundations for being. It supports in dealing with mundane aspects of our lives while we allow deep transformation to take place.

Palmer Amaranth

For those who focus on inessential things rather than getting to the root of the matter, Palmer Amaranth enhances insights as we awaken to a deeper perception of our being. This essence helps us to nourish our roots so we can flower and fruit.

Red-Orange Epiphyllum

This essence facilitates grounding of Goddess energy into worldly existence. An excellent essence for manifestation.

Sangre de Drago

This flower essence helps us create good psychic boundaries based upon appropriate discrimination and natural morality. It is excellent for those who are afraid of their psychic nature as it fosters the acceptance of sensitive abilities with grounded practicality.

White Evening Primrose

This flower essence has a grounding effect for those who feel disconnected from their sense of spirituality. It helps us to be spiritually receptive by being more present in our bodies and in touch with our childlike sense of innocence.

Wild Woman Formula

The wild woman within each of us is a great benefit as long as she has the opportunity to express herself. If we continuously lock her up in a cage, she explodes and breaks free in ways that may not be in our best interests. Given the freedom to express herself, she is a force of pure and powerful energy that knows her own self-healing power.

Helpless Siren Formula

The Helpless Siren Formula inspires awareness of the ways in which we use manipulation or sexual implications to get our needs met. It strengthens our ability to know what our needs are so that we can choose appropriate ways to have them met.

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