I have a particular love of seeing things in life from the perspective of how it fits into the collective consciousness. In other words, how I fit into the collective pool of awareness and how the work I do on myself affects and hopefully uplifts others alive on the earth today.
At the beginning of each year I take time to invoke the devas of the desert to find the most beneficial flower essence that is universally applicable, that will help each of us to be in the most perfect balance possible to support and address the deepest collective need for the year 2025.
The flower essence of the year 2024 was Arroyo Willow. And what a year it was. We have had to learn flexibility, but perhaps more importantly, we have had to face what we have created with our minds and take responsibility for it.
The Flower Essence of the Year 2025
The Essence of the Year 2025 is quite a different one. It comes from one of our highly valued desert trees. It is Mesquite. Its botanical name is Prosopis velutina.
When left on its own, the Mesquite becomes a huge bush that ultimately matures into a large tree. A Mesquite tree can grow a long time, some say 150 years, others say over 200 years.
It usually blooms from March until about August.
Mesquite is from the bean family and it grows long pods, sometimes as much as 8 or 9 inches long. If you wash the pods you can eat them, but you will spit out the seeds like a watermelon because they are too hard to chew. The pods taste very sweet if they are fully ripened.
The dried pods can be ground into Mesquite flour and some people make what is called fry bread, which looks like a fried pita bread, that is naturally sweet.
Mesquites love to grow in washes or arroyos, places where rain collects, when it actually happens, in the desert. You often find many stands of mesquite trees in areas that are running rivers during and after it rains.
It has roots that can stretch deep and access water. The tap roots can reach depths of over 150 feet, while their lateral roots can extend much further than the tree’s canopy.
When you find a Mesquite grove you find a self-fertilizing little oasis. In the desert, nitrogen is a scarce element in the soil. But Mesquite trees draw nitrogen up through their roots and send it up to the canopy of the tree. The litter from the tree, the pods, leaves, and twigs drop to the ground and provide a nitrogen-rich soil in which other plants happily grow.
Mesquite trees are also common nursing plants. That means that they provide shade for other plants, like Saguaro Cacti, so they can grow protected by the tree. You can often find Saguaro Cacti growing under Mesquite trees.
Mesquite is a tree that gives us so much. We use mesquite for charcoal as it is a hard wood that has a wonderful flavor for grilling. The wood is naturally, dry, so it doesn’t have to be seasoned like other hardwoods. It burns with minimal popping so it is safer to burn as well.
Mesquite wood is also used for making bowls, balls and cradles. The wood is so popular that the tree is now protected in Arizona due to excessive harvesting.
But drilling a hole in a mesquite board is much harder than you might think. According to an article in “Arizona Highways” (https://www.arizonahighways.com/article/harder-it-looks), the surface hardness of mesquite is 2,336 pounds, which is twice that of oak and maple and almost six times as hard as cottonwood. Also, the wood often harbors hidden nails, pebbles, and even bullets. So it is not sought after for mass production, thankfully.
The roots have been used to make cords and the leaves are used herbally for treating sore eyes and digestive problems.
In the heat of the summer, the tree oozes a dark pitch that has been used as a hair dye, medicinal tea, and pottery dye.
Mesquite Flower Essence
Just as the Mesquite tree supports an abundant relationship with other plants, so the flower essence helps us experience oneness with others. This essence brings us warmth and compassion.
Mesquite flower essence works with, among other things, a feeling of separation and loneliness. But the source of the feelings of separateness has to do with an inner feeling of desolation or barenness.
Quite often the Mesquite person seems to be emotionally remote or aloof and separate from others.
I like to call Mesquite the cowboy essence. A popular image of a cowboy is a life spent alone, always on the move. Yet cowboys have an amazing connectedness to the land and the animals with which they work.
Mesquite flower essence helps us access courage to extend the oneness we feel with animals or nature to the family of humanity. It helps us stand within the circle of human love.
Helping You Clearly See Inside Yourself
But there is an important aspect of Mesquite that helps you change something about yourself. When you look within yourself, you may at first feel that your inner world is barren, like a wasteland. You may feel that there is no spiritual richness within you. This is a very common situation that many people experience. Especially if you have had a dysfunctional childhood that left you with complex post-traumatic stress disorder, you cannot comfortably look inside because you don’t feel safe.
But if you are lucky, you may evolve in your life to a time when you have the people and other resources around you so that you feel safe enough to start the process of healing and recovering what you lost from the original dysfunctional upbringing.
You have to be by yourself to go within yourself to heal. But at the same time you need to be held by a lifeline of one or more people who care about you, such as a supportive spouse, friend, other family member, or therapist.
Only you can explore the inner wasteland that might have old pain or other memories. Mesquite helps you find it, process it and begin re-inventing yourself.
You have to cross the inner desert for some distance before you can begin to see the richness that actually resides right inside you. You can discover that there is a place beyond the pain and suffering where the real you resides.
When I tell people this, some people recognize what I mean about crossing an inner desert. Other people don’t feel that way, but they are usually the ones who have always been afraid to look deeply within themselves.
Mesquite flower essence helps you find the courage to cross that inner wasteland, to go through your own inner desert to the center of your being. When you get there, you find that there is richness in abundance and it is not a place of spiritual desolation.
When you find your essential self, you can begin to let go of everything that stands in the way of expressing yourself from its core. This is how you find your soul, the part of you that is directing and guiding you to the people and experiences that will support you in healing and evolving. It is the part of you that knows what you need in order to fully be yourself.
Your soul essence already knows who you are and the roads you need to take to discover yourself.
Just as the tree drops its leaves and pods and creates rich soil for other plants to grow under it, so the flower essence helps you find your own inner richness. It supports you in reconnecting with your gut feelings and trusting them.
Mesquite enhances your willingness to compassionately confront your most spiritually desolate parts or experiences, which is the foundation for healing and evolving yourself. When you do that, you can begin to be yourself as you really are as you let go of all of the dysfunctional patterns you might have learned.
When you reconnect with yourself you can begin to connect authentically with others and see the warmth around you.