
All consultations are being conducted via telephone or online

Cynthia has been a flower essence practitioner since 1984. She uses desert flower essences with clients who desire to take greater responsibility for their own well-being. She has worked extensively with clients who are overcoming addictions, sexual abuse, dysfunctional childhoods, and many more issues.

Consultation Services

Click on the type of consultation for detailed description of that service:

Flower Essence Consultation

Flower Essence Consultation

In a one-hour flower essence consultation, Cynthia spends the first fifteen minutes reading a client’s background information or feedback from a previous session. Then she does an attunement with the client and uses an intuitive method to select the flower essences that will best harmonize the core issue, or underlying cause, of the client’s needs. Usually two to five flower essences are chosen to make up a personalized formula.

Then the client calls and discussion of the issues and desired support takes place over the next forty-five minutes. Cynthia shares insights into the flower essences that were indicated. She often refers to the client’s astrology chart, which she finds helpful in identifying cycles of challenges and opportunities. The personalized flower essence formula is then sent to the client. If a client desires a follow up session, the process is the same as the initial session.

Many clients find that reading the chapter about each flower essence in “The Alchemy of the Desert” book helps them contemplate the effects of the essences as they use them. The chapters’ descriptions provide a foundation for contemplative reflection as a client uses the personalized formula.

Cost: $150.00 (includes a personalized flower essence formula and Priority Mail shipping for addresses in the US)

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Prayer Work Session

Prayer Work Session

Since 1989, Cynthia has been using special non-denominational clearing prayers that transform involutionary energy into that which is evolutionary. She uses the prayers to change limiting patterns, past-life experiences, present life traumas and upsets, relationship challenges, and much more. The prayers take effect immediately and their effects are permanent.

Cynthia can use them in a flower essence consultation or on their own in a separate session. She finds that using the Prayer Work, with or without flower essences, is a potent and powerful way to make permanent and lasting changes to chronic or difficult issues.

This consultation does not include flower essences. If you would like flower essences please schedule a Flower Essence Consultation.

Cost: $140.00

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Astrology Consultation with Flower Essences

Astrology Consultation with Flower Essences

In a one-hour Astrology Consultation with Flower Essences session, Cynthia spends one hour preparing in advance. She studies the client’s chart and takes special note of the areas in which the client has indicated they would like to focus. She also spends fifteen minutes selecting the appropriate flower essences as mentioned for a Flower Essence Consultation.

Then the client calls and Cynthia spends one hour focusing on the astrology and the indicated flower essences. The personalized flower essence formula is then sent to the client.

Cost: $250.00 (includes a personalized flower essence formula and Priority Mail shipping for addresses in the US)

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Astrology Consultation

Astrology Consultation

In a one-hour Astrology Consultation, Cynthia spends one hour preparing in advance. She studies the client’s chart and takes special note of the areas in which the client has indicated she would like to focus. Then the client calls and Cynthia spends one hour focusing on the astrology.

Cost: $210.00

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Refund Policy for Cancelled Appointments

  • Appointments cancelled with at least 24 hours in advance will receive a full refund.
  • Missed appointments or appointments cancelled with less than 24 hours advance notice are non-refundable.


The work we have done together has completely freed me to be myself. I send you my deepest thanks.
~ V. M., Brazil

What a difference your flower essences make. For the first time I can feel what it is like to be in my body, the lack of struggle, the ending of denial – especially about my gifts and myself. I am amazed at how much more I can do in a day, and becoming more organized is a lot easier to do and not so frightening as it was at first. Before, an empty space felt so cold and unfriendly, but now it feels safe and there is even room for joy in my life. Thank you so much for being there when I needed some outside help.
~ E.B., Australia

You have figured out how to support people with fast-track healing using the flower essences and prayer work. I have done therapy with a therapist and it brings up stuff to deal with but it doesn’t resolve it. When I use the flower essences, healing takes place without suffering and so much struggle. Your work is so important for so many of us. Thank you!
~ D.D., California

Since our last consultation and using the custom combination of essences you sent me, every few days I had a stronger sense of myself. I had said that one of my goals was to deepen a sense of dignity, and that is exactly what I experienced. I also managed to talk myself out of a pity party and a descent into a negative spiral on one important occasion. Using these flower essences is a life saver!
~ E.R., Connecticut

My personal feeling is that your Desert Alchemy essences touch the highest & deepest dimension of human awareness/consciousness as yet possible. They seem to touch immediately a point within myself where the lacking/forgotten/suppressed strength is located – and then opens the ‘floodgate’ so that ‘IT’ just flows into my consciousness reminding me of ‘who I AM’. Heartful gratitude to all of you at Desert Alchemy for the work you are doing.
~ A.G., Germany

My last custom formula really helped me be serene and peaceful. This is an amazing change for me. My usual state of being is soaked in anxiety, with a mind that does not shut off. I was delighted, and my husband was so excited to see this change in me!
~ A. E., New York

I have been using Desert Alchemy’s flower essences for some time now and have experienced great beneficial changes as a result. Cynthia’s recommendations are always precise and I enjoy working with her on specific issues. Her books are also very informative on the process of selecting and taking remedies. I would recommend her products and counsel to anyone looking to make deep changes in her life.
~ P. K., California

I am deeply grateful for your amazing support and great wisdom. I appreciate you understanding me and my needs throughout all of the changes of my life. I am blessed that you are in my life.
~ J. F., Illinois

I cannot begin to tell you of how deeply my healing has been since I began doing flower essence consultations with you. I never dreamed that I could be this aware in the midst of such great changes.
~ H. D., California

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Desert Alchemy