Essence Type: Individual Flower Essence
Flower Color: magenta

Flower Essence Description
Hedgehog Cactus helps us sort out the difference between self-nurturance and overindulgence. It intensifies empathetic perceptions, bringing us closer to nature.
Harmonizing Qualities
- encourages a broader, more inclusive overview
- self-nurturance and self-acceptance
- encourages confidence in yourself and your ability to participate in life
- an intensified empathetic perception allows you to feel closer to others and to nature
- feeling radiantly comfortable with yourself and with the world
- finding a balance between self-nurturance and overindulgence
Patterns of Imbalance
- stuck in or too focused on details
- self-neglect
- overindulgence
- feeling worthless, inferior
- feeling cut off from the source of life, excluded, separate
- unappreciative
- closed perception
How to use and related questions
- What are flower essences?
- How are flower essences used?
- How long do I need to take a flower essence?
- How many flower essences can I use at the same time?
- Other frequently asked questions
Hedgehog Cactus is related to the following keywords:
• addiction • confidence • details • excluded • nurturance • overindulgence • overview • perception • perspective • self-neglect • self-nurturance • separateness • transcendence • appreciative • unappreciative • encouragement • moderation • participate • self-care • self-absorbed • empathy • self-control • self-discipline • spiritual insight
Hedgehog Cactus is mentioned in the following core-issue articles:
- The Core Issue: "All or Nothing" Thinking
- for all or nothing thinking about physical self-nurturance; inability to find the difference between overindulgence and neglect
- The Core Issue: Breaking Limitative Habits
- when you know what you need to do to change a habit, but cannot take the actions necessary to change
- The Core Issue: Overindulgence
- for finding a balance between self-nurturance and overindulgence
- The Core Issue: Physical Self-Care
- self-neglectful attitudes; inability to find a balance between overindulgence and under-indulgence
- The Core Issue: Self-control
- caught up in either overindulgence or self-neglect and feeling unable to act on what you know is right for your physical well-being
- The Core Issue: Separateness
- feeling cut off from the source of life, excluded, separate
Hedgehog Cactus is part of the following series or practitioner kits:
- Individual Essences Kit
This kit contains our full line of 119 individual flower essences, all of which are described in depth in The Alchemy of the Desert – Fourth Edition.
- Applied Physiology Kit
This kit is a set of 30 selected Desert Alchemy® flower essences that form an integral part of the healing program pioneered by Richard Utt, founder of the original International Institute of Applied Physiology in Tucson, Arizona.