Essence Type: Individual Flower Essence
Flower Color: yellow

Flower Essence Description
Sow Thistle helps us deal appropriately with obnoxious behavior, whether our own or that of others. It helps us deal with feeling intimidated by dominating personalities. It is also excellent if we find ourselves wanting a relationship so badly that we don’t give the other person the space they need.
Harmonizing Qualities
- in social interactions with people, this essence helps us appropriately deal with obnoxious behavior, whether it is our own or someone else’s
- it is an excellent essence for working in groups and easing social contacts
- giving others the space they need regardles of our own desires
- facilitates strength in appropriate directions
Patterns of Imbalance
- acting out behaviors that tend to be distasteful to others
- dealing with others who have obnoxious behaviors
- being socially inappropriate or dealing with another who is socially inappropriate
- being strong in an inappropriate direction
- feeling intimidated by a dominating personality, role or mask
- wanting a relationship so badly that we don’t give the other person the space they need
- insisting and being too pushy, which scares or annoys others
How to use and related questions
- What are flower essences?
- How are flower essences used?
- How long do I need to take a flower essence?
- How many flower essences can I use at the same time?
- Other frequently asked questions
Sow Thistle is related to the following keywords:
• appropriate • desires • domination • group • intimidate • obnoxious • pushy • relationship • social • strength • pushing • ambition • self-absorbed • adolescence • overpowered • overprotective • intimacy
Sow Thistle is mentioned in the following core-issue articles:
- Flower Essences for Adolescents
- socially inappropriate or obnoxious; too domineering
- The Core Issue: Enhancing Attention and Focus
- tendency to blurt out whatever you are thinking, unmindful of others around you
- Using Flower Essences with Children
- socially inappropriate or obnoxious
- The Core Issue: Intimacy
- pushing to make intimacy happen too quickly
- Using Desert Alchemy® Flower Essences with Pets and Other Animals
- For pets and animals with obnoxious or overly domineering behavior.
Sow Thistle is part of the following series or practitioner kits:
- Individual Essences Kit
This kit contains our full line of 119 individual flower essences, all of which are described in depth in The Alchemy of the Desert – Fourth Edition.