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The following flower essences are related to adolescence.
Click on the name of the flower essence for more information and to check if it is pertinent to your need.

Big Root Jatropha

Excellent for “growth spurts”, Big Root Jatropha encourages a feeling of security as great inner expansion takes place. It helps us to feel safe enough to allow change to happen without the need to control everything.


Bouvardia fortifies our will to confront life directly and consciously, changing emotional reactivity and avoidance patterns into positive response and action. An excellent essence for denial.

Claret Cup Hedgehog Cactus

Clarity and focus are the key words for this hedgehog cactus. This is an excellent essence for manifestation, meditation or any situation requiring mental steadiness and acuity.

Cellular Joy Formula

This formula has been shown to be a powerful way of releasing, at a cellular level, trauma resulting from physical abuse. It can release us from the fear of being touched and can restore our receptivity to physical touch and intimacy. It is an excellent aid for those recovering from physical beatings and from the abuse inherent in violent sports.

Cardinal Flower

This flower essence helps us to redirect sexual energy into other usable forms of energy. It is excellent during menopause, or for those who allow the fives senses to dictate their responses rather than mastering their bodies and senses.


While gently diffusing old patterns, Camphorweed brings a sense of purpose and appropriateness, helping us to stay on track, feel grounded and bring things into manifestation. It is excellent for when we find ourselves caught up in adrenaline producing situations.

Buffalo Gourd

Buffalo Gourd helps us maintain a deep inner place of healing and calm while participating in external activity. The keyword here is balance, knowing that “I Am the center”.

Bright Star

Bright Star is indicated when we are unable to say “No” to an entangling situation or person. It helps us have healthy boundaries by trusting that we deserve what we want.

Compass Barrel Cactus

Compass Barrel Cactus helps us move through an emotional state by lightening up and letting go, trusting our inner wisdom to point the way.

Crisis-Desert Emergency Formula

This is a combination formula to facilitate appropriate response in any crisis situation. It helps us to be able to emerge from the belief that there are no choices. The Chinese hexagram for crisis is composed of two characters: danger and opportunity. The Crisis Formula supports our ability to stay present in apparent danger for the opportunity. This is a universal formula appropriate for any situation.


Dogbane helps us to access the courage to follow our rebellious instincts, what is an important part of growth and change. It is for the fear that our rebellion will hurt or damage others, and the fear that we cannot take care of ourselves if we leave home. This is the essence to support self-confidence.

Evening Star

Evening Star is wonderful for problems of intimacy in relationships due to doubt about our emerging identity. It encourages us in shifting from outer dependence to self-reliance with confidence and quiet surety.

Fishhook Cactus

Fishhook Cactus is for those who hide behind non-communication. It is especially indicated for the fear of risking in communication. It supports us with confidence in public speaking, intimate relationships or for speaking foreign languages.

Mala Mujer

Mala Mujer helps the positive expression of feminine qualities, releasing emotional tensions and bringing a lighter, more honest quality to our overall self-expression. It is for when we are bitchy, venomous, shrewish, or grouchy. (Guys! This means you too!)

Melon Loco

Melon Loco helps step down the intensity of our emotions in order to bring us back into our bodies. It helps us have emotional sensibility, responsibility and balance.

Miracle at Menarche Formula

Menarche is the time of a woman’s first menstruation. This formula offers support for the flowering of a girl into womanhood: for accepting responsibility for our sexuality and sensuality and the recognition of a new relationship with the five senses. It can be used to for healing issues that went unresolved at puberty.

Mountain Mahogany

Mountain Mahogany provides a gentle but firm push toward our next stage of development. Helpful when we become complacent.


If we have subconscious or unexpressed feelings that erupt in uncontrolled ways, Ocotillo gives insight into and acceptance of our emotions without feeling victimized by them.

Purple Mat

Purple Mat helps us take risks so we can stay true to ourselves and others. For when we secretly harbor our feelings or needs for fear of being rejected or ridiculed if they were openly exposed.

Sow Thistle

Sow Thistle helps us deal appropriately with obnoxious behavior, whether our own or that of others. It helps us deal with feeling intimidated by dominating personalities. It is also excellent if we find ourselves wanting a relationship so badly that we don’t give the other person the space they need.

Soaptree Yucca

Soaptree Yucca activates our assertiveness in the expression of our own will or intention, especially if we tend to allow the will of another to dominate us. It helps us to keep sight of our long-term goals with faith, perseverance and endurance.

Scorpion Weed

The strength of innocence and direct confrontation overcomes fear and paralysis. Scorpion Weed helps us with many types of fears: of the consequences of our actions; of our past mistakes; of not being forgiven. It is especially useful when we externalize our fears or when we create monsters out of them.


If we have difficulty in bringing a project or some aspect of ourselves to fruition or completion, Salsify supports us in the maturation process. It is excellent for finding all the vital elements for growth and the expression of our full potential.

Saguaro Cactus

Saguaro helps us know and trust our inner wisdom and authority. It restores the will to live, to heal and to be the best that we are. It assists us in accessing the perfect inner father who encourages us on in life.

Spanish Bayonet Yucca

An excellent essence to help us when we experience indecisiveness, hesitation or fear in facing challenges. It provokes a unification of our will with our intention.

Star Evening Primrose

An excellent essence for those of us with a poor self image, Star Evening Primrose is helpful if we blame our negative feelings on an outside source while simultaneously denying such feelings exist. It is also for those of us who are confused about sexuality and spirituality, or who repress sensuality and put energy into occult, mystical or mental pursuits.

Sonoran Rainbow Cactus

For those of us who are expecting things to go wrong or be difficult, Sonoran Rainbow Cactus encourages us to let go and allow our hearts to transmute difficult emotions. We know that there is perfection in each moment and each situation, and we begin to live in joy.

Syrian Rue

An energetic “truth serum”, Syrian Rue is for all issues of lying, being lied to, betrayal, telling the truth, and trustworthiness. It helps us know and trust in our own truth, regardless of external pressures.

Teddy Bear Cholla Cactus

A cuddly looking cactus, Teddy Bear Cholla helps with deep fears of intimacy and allowing others close enough to see our perfection. It is also for when we feel impatient with our perceived level of growth or development.

Wild Woman Formula

The wild woman within each of us is a great benefit as long as she has the opportunity to express herself. If we continuously lock her up in a cage, she explodes and breaks free in ways that may not be in our best interests. Given the freedom to express herself, she is a force of pure and powerful energy that knows her own self-healing power.


When we feel highly energized at one moment and then depleted in the next, Windflower facilitates a more balanced distribution of energy.

See also

independence puberty rebellion
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Desert Alchemy