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The following flower essences are related to attractiveness.
Click on the name of the flower essence for more information and to check if it is pertinent to your need.

Devil’s Claw

Devil’s Claw activates our natural sense of morality. This essence supports us in taking responsibility for owning and expressing who we really are, separate from the projections of others. It is useful if we find ourselves using attractiveness or personal magnetism to manipulate others, or if we try to become who we think others want us to be.

Evening Star

Evening Star is wonderful for problems of intimacy in relationships due to doubt about our emerging identity. It encourages us in shifting from outer dependence to self-reliance with confidence and quiet surety.


If we have a false persona, Mariola restores the congruence of our inner experience and outer expression, provoking our essential honesty and enthusiasm.

See also

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Desert Alchemy