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The following flower essences are related to overcommitted.
Click on the name of the flower essence for more information and to check if it is pertinent to your need.

Buffalo Gourd

Buffalo Gourd helps us maintain a deep inner place of healing and calm while participating in external activity. The keyword here is balance, knowing that “I Am the center”.


For those of us who become too easily distracted by the needs of others, Hoptree supports us in staying in alignment with our purpose and remaining focused on what is essential to us. It is excellent for anxiety about boundary making.

Making & Honoring Boundaries Formula

This is a formula to assist our awareness of how to make and honor healthy boundaries: to be able to interact with others without becoming enmeshed with their perceptions of who we are; to be able to give others the information necessary so that they will respect and honor us; and to facilitate removing walls of alienation.

Nice Guy Formula

This composite formula is for those who want to be nice at any price. It helps us have appropriate and straightforward relationships based upon respecting and empowering others, rather than rescuing them.

Single Mother’s Formula

The Single Mother’s Formula offers excellent support for issues resulting from single mothering such as: overwhelm associated with trying to play too many different roles; feeling that there is never enough time or resources for healthy child rearing; guilty feelings of doing too much or not enough for our children. It helps us to move the focus to our needs so that we can then be available in the best way possible.


Whitethorn helps us be more gentle with ourselves. It brings a sense of optimistic freshness and helps our thinking to move in new, innovative directions. It helps release us from succumbing to old patterns and habits, especially if we have continued to act them out after initially recognizing them. It is useful for calming adrenaline excess.

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