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The following flower essences are related to relationship.
Click on the name of the flower essence for more information and to check if it is pertinent to your need.

Arizona Sycamore

For those who experience life or relationships as confining or entrapping, Arizona Sycamore helps you find inner freedom. It is excellent for those who feel confined or limited by their bodies.

Arroyo Willow

Restoring a consciousness of personal will, Arroyo Willow helps us responsibly create our life experiences while remaining flexibly true to ourselves.

Deepening Inner Union Formula

This formula is excellent for releasing whatever stands between us as an individual and a successful co-creative union with another. It is excellent for those wishing to deepen into a direct and powerful relationship with nature.

Desert Holly

Desert Holly helps us live in a heart-centered state, opening easily to love rather than working at it. It is excellent for those who feel stifled by smothering love or for those who live from their heads rather than from their hearts.

Desert Sumac

Desert Sumac helps us transform the pain of loneliness and separation by seeing beyond the superficial differences in people. It is for those who feel they are on the outside looking in in social relationships.


Dogbane helps us to access the courage to follow our rebellious instincts, what is an important part of growth and change. It is for the fear that our rebellion will hurt or damage others, and the fear that we cannot take care of ourselves if we leave home. This is the essence to support self-confidence.


For the overly sensitive individual who finds it hard to cope with the mundane, Jojoba brings a sense of ease and security. This grounding essence helps us to participate in daily life and relationships.

Klein’s Pencil Cholla Cactus

This cactus essence encourages our creativity and growth in dealing with a relationship that feels stuck. It is excellent for when we stay in a relationship that is not supporting our growth in some way.

Making & Honoring Boundaries Formula

This is a formula to assist our awareness of how to make and honor healthy boundaries: to be able to interact with others without becoming enmeshed with their perceptions of who we are; to be able to give others the information necessary so that they will respect and honor us; and to facilitate removing walls of alienation.

Mexican Shell Flower

This essence supports our willingness to confront life and its possibilities. It is excellent for “coming out of our shell”.

Purple Mat

Purple Mat helps us take risks so we can stay true to ourselves and others. For when we secretly harbor our feelings or needs for fear of being rejected or ridiculed if they were openly exposed.

Red Root

For those of us who feel guilty because others suffer and we do not, Red Root helps us release enmeshment. It is also for situations in which we are motivated by superstitions or other unconscious forces.

Sacred Datura

Sacred Datura facilitates seeing beyond our present view of reality to a more comprehensive, visionary state. When appropriate, it supports us in letting go of a known or familiar reality, such as a relationship or job, without feeling threatened.

Saguaro-Queen Formula

This is an essence of inner balance with which we can experience our inner masculine and inner feminine in harmony. Our inner male provides a safe and protected space for our inner female to create and express. This essence fosters feelings of safety, security and oneness with our deep, inner wisdom.

Sow Thistle

Sow Thistle helps us deal appropriately with obnoxious behavior, whether our own or that of others. It helps us deal with feeling intimidated by dominating personalities. It is also excellent if we find ourselves wanting a relationship so badly that we don’t give the other person the space they need.

Star Evening Primrose

An excellent essence for those of us with a poor self image, Star Evening Primrose is helpful if we blame our negative feelings on an outside source while simultaneously denying such feelings exist. It is also for those of us who are confused about sexuality and spirituality, or who repress sensuality and put energy into occult, mystical or mental pursuits.

Teddy Bear Cholla Cactus

A cuddly looking cactus, Teddy Bear Cholla helps with deep fears of intimacy and allowing others close enough to see our perfection. It is also for when we feel impatient with our perceived level of growth or development.


For those who experience a lack of trust or faith in their spiritual connection, Thistle helps us let down our defensiveness and recognize grace in our lives.

Unconditional Love & Support Formula

Unconditional love and support begin from within us and then radiate out from our center. The flower in this formula supports and encourages us to recognize and feel this natural flow of unconditional energy within and without.

Birdcage Evening Primrose

Birdcage Evening Primrose is for those who are overly influenced by what others think is right for them. It helps us see through other’s projected images and ideals to realize forms of self-expression that are in harmony with our essential nature. It enhances belief in ourselves and discernment of our own unique soul pattern.

Wild Buckwheat

This is the essence to use when you compare yourself to others and set yourself apart from them. When we focus on the differences between us in relationships we isolate ourselves. Wild Buckwheat helps us find and focus on what we have in common, and helps us blend and harmonize with others.

See also

communication groups intimacy
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