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The following flower essences are related to richness.
Click on the name of the flower essence for more information and to check if it is pertinent to your need.

Celebration of Abundance Formula

This is a formula to facilitate opening to, and living, our natural state of abundance. It is an impetus to keep us moving to the next level without becoming frozen or stuck in limitations.

Desert Willow

With Desert Willow, we are supported in feeling respite and in having a perspective of abundance. It is helpful for perfectionism and inflexibility, fostering a perspective of comfort and ease.

Giving & Receiving Support Formula

This formula works with harmonizing both sides of the energy circle. To be guaranteed of receiving support you have to ask for it. This formula is excellent for helping us to give freely without strings attached and receive without feeling obligation.


Opening ourselves to abundance and pleasure, Mesquite amplifies compassion and warmth. This is a great essence for loners and for those who feel an inner barrenness.

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