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The following flower essences are related to self-blessing.
Click on the name of the flower essence for more information and to check if it is pertinent to your need.

A Way to the GodSelf Formula

This formula helps us recognize and trust our God essence; surrendering and flowing with universal cycles; feeling, knowing and living our spiritual Selves.

Deepening Inner Union Formula

This formula is excellent for releasing whatever stands between us as an individual and a successful co-creative union with another. It is excellent for those wishing to deepen into a direct and powerful relationship with nature.

Embracing Humanness Formula

This combination formula is to help us be more fully human. It facilitates the acceptance of our human emotions, characteristics, and our bodies as the form in which to express our wholeness. It enhances our ability to get along with people and to flow easily in interaction with others and the earth. It helps us use the five senses to gain wisdom and understanding.


Opening ourselves to abundance and pleasure, Mesquite amplifies compassion and warmth. This is a great essence for loners and for those who feel an inner barrenness.

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