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The following flower essences are related to self-consciousness.
Click on the name of the flower essence for more information and to check if it is pertinent to your need.

Embracing Humanness Formula

This combination formula is to help us be more fully human. It facilitates the acceptance of our human emotions, characteristics, and our bodies as the form in which to express our wholeness. It enhances our ability to get along with people and to flow easily in interaction with others and the earth. It helps us use the five senses to gain wisdom and understanding.

Evening Star

Evening Star is wonderful for problems of intimacy in relationships due to doubt about our emerging identity. It encourages us in shifting from outer dependence to self-reliance with confidence and quiet surety.

Fishhook Cactus

Fishhook Cactus is for those who hide behind non-communication. It is especially indicated for the fear of risking in communication. It supports us with confidence in public speaking, intimate relationships or for speaking foreign languages.

Owning the Level Formula

Expressing our talents and gifts and integrating mastery is the universal principle these flowers support. This formula is helpful for those seeking clarity and courage to do what they most love to do.

Purple Aster

For those whose hard-working efforts create the feeling that they are isolated and that progress is small and difficult, this flower essence changes the feeling of pursuing a goal to feeling as if you are drawn to it. This is the essence of choice for performance anxieties.

Scorpion Weed

The strength of innocence and direct confrontation overcomes fear and paralysis. Scorpion Weed helps us with many types of fears: of the consequences of our actions; of our past mistakes; of not being forgiven. It is especially useful when we externalize our fears or when we create monsters out of them.

Star Evening Primrose

An excellent essence for those of us with a poor self image, Star Evening Primrose is helpful if we blame our negative feelings on an outside source while simultaneously denying such feelings exist. It is also for those of us who are confused about sexuality and spirituality, or who repress sensuality and put energy into occult, mystical or mental pursuits.

See also

self-esteem self-confidence
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Desert Alchemy