Astrology Consultation


Book a consultation with Cynthia via telephone, FaceTime, Zoom, or Skype.

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Astrology Consultation

In a one-hour Astrology Consultation, Cynthia spends one hour preparing in advance. She studies the client’s chart and takes special note of the areas in which the client has indicated she would like to focus. Then the client calls and Cynthia spends one hour focusing on the astrology.

Cost: $210

if you would like flower essences with your astrology consultation, select instead Astrology with Flower Essences Consultation

Canceling or Rescheduling your Appointment

If you need to reschedule or cancel an appointment, please send us an email at at least 24 hours in advance.

Refund Policy for Cancelled Appointments
  • Appointments cancelled with at least 24 hours in advance: you will receive a full refund.
  • Missed appointments or appointments cancelled with less than 24 hours advance notice are non-refundable.
Desert Alchemy