16-Week Online Flower Essence Training
March 13 to June 26, 2025
with Cynthia Athina Kemp Scherer
from Tucson, Arizona, via Zoom
UPDATED with the latest research and new insights into specific healing issues!

The Flower Essence Therapy Course is a unique opportunity to experience the healing power of the desert in a safe and protected environment and to develop the skills for working with yourself and others with flower essences.
This course provides a solid foundation for using flower essences while presenting an opportunity to contemplate and discover your inner gifts, talents, and challenges. See the detailed course program below.
This course is for:
- Anyone who wants to incorporate flower essences into his or her life as a means of achieving wellness and self-knowledge with the support of nature
- Health Care professionals who wish to incorporate flower essences into their practice
You will:
- develop skills for selecting and using flower essences with yourself and others
- create a foundation for clearly knowing yourself
- explore what it means to compassionately support others without losing yourself
- soulfully nurture yourself with 16 weekly classes

Cynthia Athina Kemp Scherer is an experienced flower essence practitioner, researcher, and founder of Desert Alchemy. In 1983, Cynthia was inspired by nature to begin co-creating and researching flower essences from the unique and powerful environment of the Arizona deserts. Her relationship to nature fostered deep healing experiences that provided the foundation for her years of research.
Since 1986, one of Cynthia’s great loves has been sharing in workshops about her experiences in using flower essences and her ever-deepening relationship with nature.
The course will be conducted via Zoom. You will need to download the free Zoom app from https://zoom.us for the device that you will use, which can be a computer, a tablet or a smartphone.
Date & Time
March 13 to June 26, 2025
16 classes (16 Thursdays) from 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM Arizona Time [ Time Zone Converter ]
Course Format
This is a live online course with an interactive format.
The classes will be recorded and can be watched later. If the times don’t work for you, you can attend through watching the recordings at your convenience. You will be able to ask questions which will be answered in the next class.
Required Books
You will need to have the following books (not included in the tuition cost):
Tuition Cost
$1200 in 4 monthly payments of $300
Cancelation Policy
Cancellations received on or before February 27, 2025, will receive a refund of the amount paid minus $100, after that date the tuition fee is no longer refundable.
Course Program
Module 1: The Desert as a Healer
The experience of intimately attuning with the desert is powerful and life-changing. In this module, we will explore some of its remarkable qualities and how they support us in healing. We will make in-depth use of the attunement process to easily and profoundly experience a self-empowering relationship with desert nature.
- An introduction to the unique environment of the desert and its healing qualities.
- Adaptation strategies of desert plants.
- Building or enhancing an intimate relationship with nature.
- Attunements with desert plants.
- Flower essences to support us in many types of crisis, intense life challenges and extreme situations.
Module 2: Selecting Flower Essences
Selecting flower essences is an art. This module gives the participant the tools and methodology necessary for pinpointing core issues and selecting the appropriate flower essences, whether you are a beginner or experienced in using flower essences.
Whether you use a pendulum, kinesiology, the Desert Alchemy® cross-reference, or any other method for selecting flower essences, this workshop will provide you with the necessary foundation. It is appropriate for beginners as well as experienced flower essence users.
- A method for finding the core of a healing project or awareness crisis.
- How to use a pendulum and other intuitive methods for essence selection.
- The art of essence combining and making customized formulas.
- An introduction to the attunement process, the most important tool for working with flower essences.
Module 3: The Essence of Caring for the Soul
This is an exploration of soul and its importance in honoring ourselves and others and its role in the healing process. Whether we want to work with flower essences professionally or for self-help, learning to honor the soul is the foundation for effective healing support.
- A deeper understanding of discomfort and pain.
- Developing a view of life and healing that embraces responsibility for ourselves and our world.
- Working with recovery from addictions.
- The three stages of transitions and transformational processes and how to support them.
- In-depth study of specific Desert Flower Essences.
Module 4: Emotional Awareness, and The Relationship between Psyche & Soma
Flower essences are a language that can help us to understand and accept our inner life and our soul urges. Why do we have emotions? Why is it important to know what we are feeling? How do emotions affect our well-being? How can we give and receive emotional support? What does true support feel like? In today’s fast-paced world the frequent changes and transformations demand that we constantly evaluate, make decisions and adjustments. How can we use our feelings and intuition to improve our decision-making process and alleviate overwhelm?
- Emotional awareness: what it is and why it is necessary.
- The relationship between Psyche and Soma: How do our emotions, attitudes and beliefs affect our health?
- How can we change our lives by changing our attitude?
- Recognizing our feelings: how can they support rather than encumber us?
- Identifying and resolving and releasing past emotional traumas.
- Thinking with your heart: uniting intuition and feelings with your mind.
- Flower essences that support us in emotional self-care.
Module 5: Individuation & Co-Creation
“Individuate to co-create” is perhaps the desert’s strongest message to humanity. What does this mean? Knowing ourselves is paramount to having fulfilling relationships. We will create a foundation for working with individuality and creating harmony in relationships.
- The root of loneliness.
- Flower essences that help us with knowing ourselves and helping us to have fulfilling relationships.
- Working with self-esteem and self-empowerment.
- Flower essences for women’s and men’s issues.
- How we can relate soul to soul in any kind of relationship.
- Detaching and recovering from undesirable relationships.
Module 6: The Evolutionary Journey of the Soul
How do we evolve in consciousness? How can we care for the soul in its evolutionary journey? In this workshop we will examine ways of seeing beyond the apparent situations in our lives to find an essential perspective through which we can view others and respect, honor and support their life processes. Deep inner healing takes place when we understand the soul and the direction in which it is pulling us.
- What is consciousness? How does the soul evolve? The flower essence practitioner as a midwife for the birth of new consciousness.
- Inheritance and Legacy: recognizing and working consciously with the tools, patterns, and influences with which we came into this life.
- Flower essences to use in the stages of recovery from physical, emotional and sexual abuse.
- Finding and anchoring our soul purpose.
- Flower essences that support us in spiritual self-care.
Module 7: Creating a Flower Essence Consultation Session
Working successfully with others, whether with family, friends or professionally, requires emotional maturity and clarity of purpose. This workshop introduces elements that are essential in working with others with flower essences. For those interested in self-help, this section teaches us to work more effectively with ourselves.
- The healing process and how to support it.
- Our role as healing facilitators.
- How can we mirror a client’s perfection?
- Ethics and responsibilities of a flower essence practitioner.
- Making and honoring physical, emotional and psychic boundaries.
- How to create a flower essence consultation session.
- How to document our work with flower essences.
- How to evaluate the effects of using flower essences.
- Integrating flower essences with other healing modalities.
Frequently Asked Questions
How often is the Flower Essence Therapy Course offered?
The Flower Essence Course is offered at least once a year.
I am new to flower essences, can I take this course?
Yes, the purpose of this course is to provide an opportunity to learn the dynamics of using flower essences both professionally and for self-help. It is also a personal opportunity to better understand ourselves and experience first-hand the healing power of flower essence therapy. This course is perfectly suited to those who are interested in experiencing the powerful healing qualities of nature in the desert as well as helping themselves with flower essences.
If I miss a class, will it be available as a recording?
Yes, if you miss a class you will be able to watch a recording. However, because the course has an interactive format, we strongly encourage active participation of the students during the live class.
Testimonials from Previous Participants
I would like to express my eternal gratitude to Cynthia as I had such a wonderful experience being part of the Desert Alchemy Flower Essence Therapy Course in 2024.
Chrissy B., Australia
I began my course online and recall the first class when the bright and beautiful colour of a Cactus flower appeared on the screen, I was taken into its beauty and after some time I began to experience the energetic qualities of the flower.
It awakened something in me.
At the time when I commenced the course, little did I know that ‘Divine Timing’ was in action as a blessing because what lay ahead of me were some very emotionally challenging, life changing events.
At the time, I made my first custom formula which delivered an immediate and positive response to adrenal exhaustion by slowing my system down to a point where I had a system reset, switching off the adrenal overdrive.
I had been holding so much for so long, like most of us do as we just get on with it, but it taxes you with its resonance akin to a scar and energetically it pulls on you.
As the weeks passed, and the unforeseen turbulence began to rumble and roar I found I was leaning on the essences, I knew they were helping me get through hardest of days where I felt the blessing of an energetic presence at my side ensuring me, ‘it was all going to be okay.’
I could feel the essences working on a deep intra-cellular level, clearing old vibrational patterns of abuse and trauma restoring a sense of calm peace and joyfulness from within. The sensations I would experience were like zillions of tiny bubbles rising out of the cells in my body and I began to feel lighter on the inside as the clouds that were shadowing me were dissolving, I felt a great release that was empowering.
The essences mended the gap in the bridge and guided me to the other side with grace and ease.
I feel so blessed to have experienced the teachings from Cynthia who co-created with natures intelligence to produce a symphony of flower essences that will make your heart sing.
Thank you for sharing such a wonderful gift.
I had no idea of the depth to which I could go within myself before I came to your workshop. It has been a journey of self-discovery that I never imagined could have happened.
K. W., Chicago
I thought that I was a flower essence practitioner when I arrived. I now feel that I am in the very worthy endeavour of becoming one. The attunement process, putting together and working with my team, clarifying intention and qualities put this work to an entire different level! I have been waiting for this information my whole life! This has been a life altering event for me, one for which I will be ever grateful and will pass on.
C. M., Arizona
This course [The Flower Essence Therapy Course] can change your life. If you are interested in matters of the soul and spirit, of self-empowerment and self-awareness, of connecting with nature and the divine, of healing and what it can be, this class is for you. If you are interested in tools that provide assistance for trauma, addiction, and abuse, this class is for you. If you are interested in studying with a teacher who embodies what she teaches beautifully – well, this class is for you.
B. B., California
The Desert Alchemy Flower Essence Therapy Course is like coming home. The flowers of the desert have so much to share. Every moment is rich! For those with eyes to see and ears to hear! I love it each time. Cynthia and Camillo embody the essence of the heart and soul of the desert and what they teach.
P.T., California
I have had such an incredible experience using the Desert Alchemy flower essences with patients over the last 9 months [since taking the Flower Essence Therapy Course] with great effects. There are so many stories of people sharing how the flower essences have dramatically changed their life experience. Some know the role the essences played, others aren’t as aware (though it is obvious to me!).
D. J., Arizona
As an acupuncturist, just seeing what is indicated helps me tremendously in assisting their process with acupuncture, more pin-pointedly and maybe in a way they were not able to or ready to share with me at the time. For instance, someone had Bisbee Beehive and Bloodroot in their [customized formula] and I gently broached the topic of possible sexual abuse or misuse in their past, which ended up being a breakthrough in their treatment.
I just want to say THANK YOU, Cynthia, for all of the work you have done with the Desert Devas and offering such a vehicle for these powerful and helpful plants to reach humanity. I feel honored every day working with them, and have so much gratitude for your service.
Since taking your course, the essences I have used to assist people have helped them tremendously. Some are just amazed at how accurate they are. ‘How did you do that?’ they ask. I am very grateful for the opportunity to study with you. Thank you.
R. W., Arizona
The Flower Essence Therapy Course is so much more. It is a time to focus on yourself. A time to contemplate, to think about things that I never think about, and to draw myself inward and explore myself.
M. H., Connecticut