This kit is a set of 30 selected Desert Alchemy® flower essences that form an integral part of the healing program pioneered by Richard Utt, founder of the original International Institute of Applied Physiology in Tucson, Arizona.
This kit contains the following 30 flower essences in 10 mL (1/3 fl. oz.) stock bottles:
The “late bloomer’s essence”, Agave helps you own your level of mastery and manifest your talents and strength.
Aloe cultivates patience and surrender to the healing process, especially during a healing crisis. It is excellent if you feel resistance to allowing things to surface, helping you feel supported from within.
Arizona White Oak
Arizona White Oak helps us if we believe that in order to grow we must struggle. It fosters strength through stability and continuity and helps us to feel deeply rested through surrender.
Birdcage Evening Primrose
Birdcage Evening Primrose is for those who are overly influenced by what others think is right for them. It helps us see through other’s projected images and ideals to realize forms of self-expression that are in harmony with our essential nature. It enhances belief in ourselves and discernment of our own unique soul pattern.
Cane Cholla Cactus
Cane Cholla Cactus helps us leap to a new perspective when we struggle with an issue and insist upon defining it in such a way as to block its resolution.
Canyon Grapevine
For issues of autonomy, Canyon Grapevine brings appreciation of others as interdependent rather than competing. This essence helps us find a balance between dominance and dependency and encourages us to see obstacles as opportunities.
Coral Bean
Coral Bean helps overcome a drug-like dulling of the survival instinct. It stimulates focus and will in facing or recovering from dangerous situations.
Cow Parsnip
For those who take life too seriously and feel that they are responsible for everything and often have an underlying sense of insecurity.
Creosote Bush
Supports us in releasing what is unexpressed or held in which is usually at the root of self-imposed separation from others. It brings us a sense of being freed. Often used for resolving the feeling that something is missing in life.
Desert Jointfir
Activates our will and our innate healing resources, bringing directedness, vision and determination. Through confidence in our self-healing abilities, we learn to escape potentially damaging situations.
Desert Marigold
When we think that someone else has power over us, Desert Marigold helps us recognize how we actually give the power to them. For taking responsibility and transforming victim consciousness.
Desert Willow
With Desert Willow, we are supported in feeling respite and in having a perspective of abundance. It is helpful for perfectionism and inflexibility, fostering a perspective of comfort and ease.
Devil’s Claw
Devil’s Claw activates our natural sense of morality. This essence supports us in taking responsibility for owning and expressing who we really are, separate from the projections of others. It is useful if we find ourselves using attractiveness or personal magnetism to manipulate others, or if we try to become who we think others want us to be.
Evening Star
Evening Star is wonderful for problems of intimacy in relationships due to doubt about our emerging identity. It encourages us in shifting from outer dependence to self-reliance with confidence and quiet surety.
Fairy Duster
Fairy Duster balances the tendency to swing between high and low energy states. We can use this essence when we have inflated expectations or build castles in the air. It is excellent for nervous excitability and over-reactivity to stimuli.
Fishhook Cactus
Fishhook Cactus is for those who hide behind non-communication. It is especially indicated for the fear of risking in communication. It supports us with confidence in public speaking, intimate relationships or for speaking foreign languages.
Hackberry helps us if we have resistance to feeling grief. Sometimes we have an idea of how long it is appropriate to grieve, but our feelings don’t match.
Hedgehog Cactus
Hedgehog Cactus helps us sort out the difference between self-nurturance and overindulgence. It intensifies empathetic perceptions, bringing us closer to nature.
For those of us who become too easily distracted by the needs of others, Hoptree supports us in staying in alignment with our purpose and remaining focused on what is essential to us. It is excellent for anxiety about boundary making.
Mariposa Lily
Self-mothering brings joy and freedom, healing separation and alienation. We become receptive to human love.
Melon Loco
Melon Loco helps step down the intensity of our emotions in order to bring us back into our bodies. It helps us have emotional sensibility, responsibility and balance.
If we have subconscious or unexpressed feelings that erupt in uncontrolled ways, Ocotillo gives insight into and acceptance of our emotions without feeling victimized by them.
Pencil Cholla Cactus
For confusion, feeling lost or overwhelmed by details. It helps us focus continually in a specific direction and find steadiness with our intention. It brings clarity and surrender into and through obstacles.
Prickly Pear Cactus
The key word is adaptability. Its qualities help us surrender to the flow of life’s events. It is excellent for culture shock.
Queen of the Night Cactus
The Queen of the Night can help us sink deeply into the intuitive root of our being to ground our subtle sensitivities. It helps us open to the qualities of the moon in our daily life, experiencing the blissful perspective of deeper understanding, feeling and sensuality.
If we are pulled between two choices, Ratany enables us to recognize, follow and communicate the truth in our hearts.
Sonoran Rainbow Cactus
For those of us who are expecting things to go wrong or be difficult, Sonoran Rainbow Cactus encourages us to let go and allow our hearts to transmute difficult emotions. We know that there is perfection in each moment and each situation, and we begin to live in joy.
Spineless Prickly Pear Cactus
With Spineless Prickly Pear, we discover that all we need for survival is contained within us and that we don’t need anything outside of us to Be. We find strength in vulnerability.
Star Evening Primrose
An excellent essence for those of us with a poor self image, Star Evening Primrose is helpful if we blame our negative feelings on an outside source while simultaneously denying such feelings exist. It is also for those of us who are confused about sexuality and spirituality, or who repress sensuality and put energy into occult, mystical or mental pursuits.
Star Primrose
Now called Star Evening Primrose
Strawberry Cactus
Now called Sonoran Rainbow Cactus
White Desert Primrose
Now called Birdcage Evening Primrose
Whitethorn helps us be more gentle with ourselves. It brings a sense of optimistic freshness and helps our thinking to move in new, innovative directions. It helps release us from succumbing to old patterns and habits, especially if we have continued to act them out after initially recognizing them. It is useful for calming adrenaline excess.
Releasing deep sadness from the past, Wolfberry helps us allow grief to take us to a transpersonal experience. When we experience that something is shifting around inside ourselves but we don’t know what it is, Wolfberry helps us be at peace and allow the process without insisting upon defining it.