Essence Type: Individual Flower Essence
Flower Color: white

Flower Essence Description
Birdcage Evening Primrose is for those who are overly influenced by what others think is right for them. It helps us see through other’s projected images and ideals to realize forms of self-expression that are in harmony with our essential nature. It enhances belief in ourselves and discernment of our own unique soul pattern.
Harmonizing Qualities
- clear discernment of your unique soul pattern and purpose
- helpful in making decisions or selecting forms of self-expression which are in harmony with your inner nature
- helps you see through projected images and ideals of self to discover your essential nature and truth
- trusting, valuing and “believing” in yourself
- changes the pattern “I’m no good” to “I’m perfect just as I am”
- for working with your relationship to yourself
- opening the channel to Self
Patterns of Imbalance
- having some concept of self but not contacting it
- overly influenced by ideals that you or others have created but which do not necessarily fit your deeper nature
- seeking outside sources for guidance or self-validation (believing that someone else knows what’s best for you)
- self-esteem issues
- self-doubt or confusion based upon difficulty in clearly discerning what actions or expressions are in harmony with your essential nature
How to use and related questions
- What are flower essences?
- How are flower essences used?
- How long do I need to take a flower essence?
- How many flower essences can I use at the same time?
- Other frequently asked questions
Birdcage Evening Primrose is related to the following keywords:
• believing • career • choices • clarity • confusion • crossroads • decisions • difficulty • discernment • doubt • external • ideals • identity • individuate • life • non-attachment • overadapted • parasite • projection • protection • purpose • reality • relationship • self-confidence • self-empowerment • self-esteem • self-expression • self-identity • self-respect • self-validation • should • transition • trust • uniqueness • validation • values • work
Birdcage Evening Primrose is mentioned in the following core-issue articles:
- Flower Essences for Adolescents
- overly influences by ideals others have created but that don’t fit their own soul purpose
- The Core Issue: Boundaries
- Being overly influenced by what others think is right for you. Seeking outside sources for guidance and self-validation
- The Core Issue: Decision-Making
- an inability to know what is in alignment with your soul purpose; thinking that others know better than you what is best for you; seeking outside guidance when the answers you need are inside yourself
- The Core Issue: Opportunity
- difficulty in clearly discerning what actions or expressions are in alignment with you essential nature
- The Core Issue: Procrastination
- At the root of this type of procrastination is the belief that others know better than you what is best for you to do.
- The Core Issue: Purpose
- inability to see through others’ projections onto you about what you should do or be; believing that others know better than you what your purpose is or could be
- The Core Issue: Self-esteem
- This flower essence is vital for those who are overly influenced by ideals that others have created for them but do not fit their own unique soul purpose. If you think others know what is best for you, this is the essence to use. It helps you open a channel to your own inner guidance.
- The Core Issue: Self-expression
- self-doubt or confusion based upon difficulty in clearly discerning what actions or expressions are in harmony with your essential nature
Birdcage Evening Primrose is part of the following series or practitioner kits:
- Applied Physiology Kit
This kit is a set of 30 selected Desert Alchemy® flower essences that form an integral part of the healing program pioneered by Richard Utt, founder of the original International Institute of Applied Physiology in Tucson, Arizona.
- Individual Essences Kit
This kit contains our full line of 119 individual flower essences, all of which are described in depth in The Alchemy of the Desert – Fourth Edition.