Bless the Old-Embrace the New Formula

Essence Type: Composite Formula

Flower Essence Description

Bless the Old-Embrace the New Formula helps us take stock of what has gone on and decide what and how we want to consciously create our futures.

Contains: Morning Glory Tree, Star Leaf.

Indicated When

  • I tend to rush off into the new without completing the old.
  • I want to be able to integrate any wisdom from my old situation before I start the new.
  • I want to honor the old, feel my gratitude, and also bring in the new with conscious intention.
  • I want to start something new but I can’t seem to let go of the past or my old way of being or doing things.

How to use and related questions


Bless the Old-Embrace the New Formula is related to the following keywords:

changecompletionimpurityintegrationlet gomoving aheadpastreleasetransformationtransition


Bless the Old-Embrace the New Formula is mentioned in the following core-issue articles:

The Core Issue: Forgiveness Comes Through Grace
Its name says it all.


Bless the Old-Embrace the New Formula is part of the following series or practitioner kits:

Composite Formulas Kit

This kit includes our well-known line of 47 composite formulas that have in-depth descriptions in The Alchemy of the Desert – Second EditionĀ .

More information

The above information is an excerpt of the book The Alchemy of the Desert - Fourth Edition by Cynthia Athina Kemp Scherer. Please refer to that book for in-depth information about this flower essence.

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