
Essence Type: Individual Flower Essence
Flower Color: scarlet


Flower Essence Description

Bouvardia fortifies our will to confront life directly and consciously, changing emotional reactivity and avoidance patterns into positive response and action. An excellent essence for denial.

Harmonizing Qualities

  • stimulates attention and sensory awareness to the immediate present
  • fortifies your determination and will to confront life directly and consciously
  • calm, clear thinking, unclouded by emotional reactivity
  • redirects avoidance patterns to positive response and action
  • helps you quickly shift to a higher energy level

Patterns of Imbalance

  • resistance to or avoidance of any issue by which you feel intimidated or insecure
  • tendency to avoid direct, conscious confrontation of emotionally difficult issues
  • reacting from self-protective conditioning that may no longer be appropriate
  • unconsciousness
  • dreaminess
  • denial

How to use and related questions


Bouvardia is related to the following keywords:

avoidancecalmclarityconditioningconfrontationdenialdirectdreaminessinsecurityintimidatemindpatternspresentreactiveredirectresistancesomnolentunconsciousnesswilladolescenceself-deceptionuncommunicativein the momentmoving ahead


Bouvardia is mentioned in the following core-issue articles:

Flower Essences for Adolescents
avoid direct confrontation of emotional issues
The Core Issue: Avoidance
avoidance of issues with which you feel intimidated or insecure
The Core Issue: Insecurity
Supports you in having the courage to face intimidating issues that you want to avoid.
The Core Issue: Emotional Reactivity
reacting from self-protective conditioning that may no longer be appropriate


Bouvardia is part of the following series or practitioner kits:

Individual Essences Kit

This kit contains our full line of 119 individual flower essences, all of which are described in depth in The Alchemy of the Desert – Fourth Edition.

More information

The above information is an excerpt of the book The Alchemy of the Desert - Fourth Edition by Cynthia Athina Kemp Scherer. Please refer to that book for in-depth information about this flower essence.

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