Empowerment Formula

Essence Type: Composite Formula

Flower Essence Description

This facilitates the alignment with your Golden Angel as you know who you truly are. Empowerment is the process of authorizing the union of the angelic and human together.

Contains: Canyon Grapevine, Passion Flower.

Further Description

— Solara: This facilitates the alignment with your Golden Angel, as you know who you truly are.

— Cynthia: Self-empowerment is the internal feeling that you have the power, the motivation, the creativity, and the initiative to do something that is beneficial for yourself and for others, without the need of or dependence on external approval.

The formula supports the process of becoming stronger and more confident in yourself. As you know yourself, you can recognize your own goals and align with the angelic realm.

About the Components

The composite formula contains Canyon Grapevine and Passion Flower.

Canyon Grapevine helps you see obstacles as opportunities. Just as the plant uses other trees or posts to grow around, so its flower essence helps you find strength in your process of becoming.

Passion Flower helps you bring a heart-felt view into every day situations. It supports you in living life from the perspective of true inner love. Love is the glue of humanness and a gift you have that is valuable.

How to use and related questions


Empowerment Formula is part of the following series or practitioner kits:

Angelic Awareness Kit

17 composite formulas that support us in awakening to angelic presence and working in co-operation to fulfill our divine purpose on earth.

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