Essence Type: Individual Flower Essence
Flower Color: red

Flower Essence Description
If we have subconscious or unexpressed feelings that erupt in uncontrolled ways, Ocotillo gives insight into and acceptance of our emotions without feeling victimized by them.
Harmonizing Qualities
- responding rather than reacting to emotionally charged events
- insight into and acceptance of emotions
- shielding and protection
- trust in the knowledge that we are unconditionally loved, protected and guided
- soothing, calming and grounding
- in touch with unconditional loving support
- able to feel emotions and not be victimized by them
- finding a deep sense of security and acceptance within yourself
- allowing actions to spring from love and not obligation
- being able to respond to situations rather than reactive
Patterns of Imbalance
- subconscious or unexpressed feelings that erupt in uncontrolled ways
- emotionally reactive
- insecure
- feeling victimized by your emotions
How to use and related questions
- What are flower essences?
- How are flower essences used?
- How long do I need to take a flower essence?
- How many flower essences can I use at the same time?
- Other frequently asked questions
Ocotillo is related to the following keywords:
• acceptance • compulsive • defensive • erupt • insecurity • irresponsible • jealous • needy • obligated • overreact • reactive • respond • responsible • security • subconscious • transmutation • trust • victim • fear • non-reactive • service • adolescence • powerless • selfless • emotional expression
Ocotillo is mentioned in the following core-issue articles:
- Flower Essences for Adolescents
- erupt in uncontrollably strong emotional reactions (with Violet Curls)
- Using Flower Essences with Children
- erupt in uncontrollably strong emotional reactions
- The Core Issue: Emotional Overwhelm
- emotionally reactive; intense emotional eruptions that are sourced in something from the past and not from a present situation
- The Core Issue: Insecurity
- Brings us a sense of security and confidence that we will be able to handle our powerful emotions, even when they are sudden and mysterious.
- The Core Issue: Emotional Reactivity
- subconscious or unexpressed feelings which erupt in uncontrolled ways
- The Core Issue: Subconscious Causations
- for when old, subconscious feelings erupt, provoked by a situation in the present; feeling out of control or victimized by your feelings
Ocotillo is part of the following series or practitioner kits:
- Individual Essences Kit
This kit contains our full line of 119 individual flower essences, all of which are described in depth in The Alchemy of the Desert – Fourth Edition.
- Applied Physiology Kit
This kit is a set of 30 selected Desert Alchemy® flower essences that form an integral part of the healing program pioneered by Richard Utt, founder of the original International Institute of Applied Physiology in Tucson, Arizona.