Purple Mat

Essence Type: Individual Flower Essence
Flower Color: purple


Flower Essence Description

Purple Mat helps us take risks so we can stay true to ourselves and others. For when we secretly harbor our feelings or needs for fear of being rejected or ridiculed if they were openly exposed.

Harmonizing Qualities

  • unconditional self-acceptance and approval
  • enhances a relaxed openness, sincerity and communication in relationships
  • courage to risk negotiation and cooperation with others without the fear that your essential needs or feelings will be rejected or devalued
  • breathing deeply
  • staying with yourself, being true to yourself
  • finding the quiet place within and feeling connected to the source at the core of your being
  • letting anger dissolve in gentleness

Patterns of Imbalance

  • secretly harboring thoughts, feelings or needs
  • tendency to use manipulative strategies or subterfuge to achieve your needs or goals because of the fear of rejection or disapproval if your motives were openly disclosed
  • feeling that others would not approve of the real you
  • fear of something important to you being devalued or rejected by another
  • self-imposed conditions on your acceptability or lovability
  • worried, held in, reserved, inhibited, repressed, angry, sad

How to use and related questions


Purple Mat is related to the following keywords:

angerapprovalcommunicationconditionalcooperationfearinhibitedlovemanipulationnegotiaterelationshiprepressionriskingsadsecretself-loveworrydeceptionjealousparasiteadolescenceself-acceptanceintimacypassive-aggressiveheld inlet gounconditional love


Purple Mat is mentioned in the following core-issue articles:

Flower Essences for Adolescents
reserved and inhibited and who use manipulation to get what they want
Using Flower Essences with Children
reserved, inhibited and use manipulation to get what they want
The Core Issue: Intimacy
fear of something important to you being devalued or rejected by another
The Core Issue: Recovery from Traumatic Experiences
fear of rejection by others


Purple Mat is part of the following series or practitioner kits:

Individual Essences Kit

This kit contains our full line of 119 individual flower essences, all of which are described in depth in The Alchemy of the Desert – Fourth Edition.

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