Remembering & Releasing Formula

Essence Type: Composite Formula

Flower Essence Description

This is very effective used in conjunction with the Akashic Records Formula. This one aids our retrieval of what we have remembered. Of course, after remembering, we must release in order to become free.

Contains: Ancestral Patterns Formula.

Further Description

— Solara: This is very effective used in conjunction with the Akashic Records Formula. This one aids our retrieval of what we have remembered. Of course, after remembering, we must release in order to become free.

— Cynthia: This formula describes a process that may or may not be conscious, but it can help you accept what you have experienced with the Unsealing the Akashic Records Formula and let go of whatever you need to let go of in order to evolve more easily.

Remembering may be done by an unconscious part of yourself that then allows you to let go of certain things that you are ready to release.

About the Components

The composite formula contains the Ancestral Patterns Formula.

The Ancestral Patterns Formula helps you become aware of patterns that you inherited from your family of origin or other societal groupings. It supports you in being aware of the pattern, deciding whether to integrate or release it, and then either integrating it or releasing it.

How to use and related questions


Remembering & Releasing Formula is part of the following series or practitioner kits:

Angelic Awareness Kit

17 composite formulas that support us in awakening to angelic presence and working in co-operation to fulfill our divine purpose on earth.

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