Essence Type: Individual Flower Essence
Flower Color: pinkish brick

Flower Essence Description
This cholla cactus activates our innate capacity for self-ordering and reconstruction after a time of transformation and change. It helps us see that change occurs in harmony with our own unique soul plan.
Harmonizing Qualities
- regeneration and reintegration of yourself according to your essential nature and design
- re-organization following disintegration
- security and faith in your innate capacity for self-ordering and healing
- realization that change occurs in harmony with and conforming to your unique inner design
- it is indicated when you are ready to be “remodeled”, when you are ready to move on and accept more expanded applications of your innate resources and capabilities and see them unfold
Patterns of Imbalance
- feeling disoriented or disordered in yourself, especially following a period of change or upheaval
- restless, unfocused energies
- exhaustion, stress, or a feeling of being undone or unraveled
- lacking a sense of how to organize something
How to use and related questions
- What are flower essences?
- How are flower essences used?
- How long do I need to take a flower essence?
- How many flower essences can I use at the same time?
- Other frequently asked questions
Staghorn Cholla Cactus is related to the following keywords:
• calm • abilities • change • disintegration • disordered • disorientation • faith • focus • gifts • integration • order • regeneration • reorganization • remodel • resolution • restless • security • transformation • unfocused • unraveled • upheaval • career • purpose • resistance • transition • trust • self-organization • organize
Staghorn Cholla Cactus is mentioned in the following core-issue articles:
- The Core Issue: Enhancing Attention and Focus
- feeling overwhelmed by complexity leaves you feeling inadequate to the task
- The Core Issue: Regeneration
- feeling disoriented or “disordered” in yourself, especially following a period of change or upheaval
- The Core Issue: Self-discipline
- the inability to organize yourself blocks self-discipline; also for those who are too overly organized
Staghorn Cholla Cactus is part of the following series or practitioner kits:
- Individual Essences Kit
This kit contains our full line of 119 individual flower essences, all of which are described in depth in The Alchemy of the Desert – Fourth Edition.