Thank Heaven for Little Girls Formula

Essence Type: Composite Formula

Flower Essence Description

This formula can enrich our lives with the naturally refreshing innocence that resides within us. It is excellent for developing gentle strength and consciousness of our deepest purity of intention. It can be used whenever we feel a need to control everything around us in order to find fulfillment. It is also helpful when we need to reactivate our capacity for creating magic in our lives.

Contains: Organ Pipe Cactus, Strawberry Cactus, White Desert Primrose.

Indicated When

  • I need to recapture my lost innocence.
  • I was sexually abused as a child.
  • I feel a need to control things around me.
  • I feel walled up inside of myself and I am not free to just be.
  • I need to connect with the purity of my intentions.

How to use and related questions


Thank Heaven for Little Girls Formula is related to the following keywords:

abuseawkwardnessbeautyconfidencedelightfemininegentlegratitudehearthonestyimaginationimpurityinnocencelyingplayself-acceptanceself-empowermentsexual abusetrusttruthunconditional lovevulnerablewarm


Thank Heaven for Little Girls Formula is mentioned in the following core-issue articles:

The Core Issue: Awkardness
restores innocence and the self-assurance of innocence


Thank Heaven for Little Girls Formula is part of the following series or practitioner kits:

Celebration of Womanhood Series

A selection of 14 composite formulas that support and celebrate our inner feminine qualities. Used by men and women alike.

Composite Formulas Kit

This kit includes our well-known line of 47 composite formulas that have in-depth descriptions in The Alchemy of the Desert – Second EditionĀ .

Feminine-Masculine Harmony Kit

The purpose of these flower essences is to support awareness of and enhance our inner feminine and inner masculine qualities.

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