Unsealing the Akashic Records Formula

Essence Type: Composite Formula

Flower Essence Description

A great essence that opens the doors of what we thought we had forgotten wherein the Akashic Records become accessible. Goes well with the Remembering and Releasing Formula.

Contains: Ancestral Patterns Formula, Crown of Thorns.

Further Description

— Solara: A great essence that opens the doors of what we thought we had forgotten wherein the Akashic Records become accessible. Goes well with the Remembering & Releasing Formula.

— Cynthia: In ancient Sanskrit texts akasha is described as a plane of existence in which everything that has ever existed, every word spoken, and every deed done exists as a sort of library of existence. It is possible to tap into this source of historical existence, but everyone may not have the tools to understand it.

Whether or not you are able to connect in a conscious way with the akasha, some part of you may be able to do so unconsciously. When this happens, you may feel an inner release of certain concepts or questioning that helps you accept yourself and your life more easily.

About the Components

The composite formula contains Crown of Thorns and the Ancestral Patterns Formula.

Crown of Thorns helps you accept all aspects of life without categorizing them as good or bad. It supports you in knowing that life’s blessings are freely and unconditionally available when you are open to receive them.

The Ancestral Patterns Formula helps you become aware of patterns that you inherited from your family of origin or other societal groupings. It supports you in being aware of the pattern, deciding whether to integrate or release it, and then either integrating it or releasing it.

How to use and related questions


Unsealing the Akashic Records Formula is part of the following series or practitioner kits:

Angelic Awareness Kit

17 composite formulas that support us in awakening to angelic presence and working in co-operation to fulfill our divine purpose on earth.

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