White Desert Zinnia

Essence Type: Individual Flower Essence
Flower Color: white


Flower Essence Description

Those who have a discouraged attitude towards life and who believe that they can never quite get ahead can use this flower essence. It helps bring the ability to laugh at ourselves or a situation and open ourselves to lightness, merriment and renewal.

Harmonizing Qualities

  • ability to laugh at yourself or a situation; lightness, merriment, renewal
  • allowing others to have their opinions without taking them personally
  • experiencing the play of life, not taking ourselves too seriously or events too personally
  • letting the light of laughter fill our lives
  • releasing struggle and allowing ourselves to experience the play and wonder of life
  • this flower essence brings you back to simple happiness and lightness

Patterns of Imbalance

  • discouraged attitude toward life
  • feeling that you can never quite get ahead of the game, that there are always more obstacles, more work, more struggle
  • frustration
  • over-identification with limitations and struggle

How to use and related questions


White Desert Zinnia is related to the following keywords:



White Desert Zinnia is mentioned in the following core-issue articles:

The Core Issue: Emotional/Mental Self-Care
For those who feel they can never quite “get ahead of the game,” that there is always more work, more struggle, keeping you from experiencing the play and wonder of life
The Core Issue: Frustration
for those who are frustrated and feel that they can never get ahead, that there are always more obstacles and who are over-identified with limitations and struggle
The Core Issue: Overcoming Obstacles
feeling that you can never quite get ahead of the game, there are always more obstacles, more work, more struggle
The Core Issue: Play
feeling that you can never quite get ahead of the game, that there are always more obstacles, more work, more struggle
The Core Issue: Pleasure
for those who identify with struggle and limitation and do not allow themselves to experience the pleasure that comes through play
The Core Issue: Seriousness
feeling that you can never quite “get ahead of the game”, that there are always more obstacles, more work, more struggle


White Desert Zinnia is part of the following series or practitioner kits:

Individual Essences Kit

This kit contains our full line of 119 individual flower essences, all of which are described in depth in The Alchemy of the Desert – Fourth Edition.

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