This kit contains the following 119 flower essences in 10 mL (1/3 fl. oz.) stock bottles:
The “late bloomer’s essence”, Agave helps you own your level of mastery and manifest your talents and strength.
Aloe cultivates patience and surrender to the healing process, especially during a healing crisis. It is excellent if you feel resistance to allowing things to surface, helping you feel supported from within.
Arizona Sycamore
For those who experience life or relationships as confining or entrapping, Arizona Sycamore helps you find inner freedom. It is excellent for those who feel confined or limited by their bodies.
Arizona White Oak
Arizona White Oak helps us if we believe that in order to grow we must struggle. It fosters strength through stability and continuity and helps us to feel deeply rested through surrender.
Arroyo Willow
Restoring a consciousness of personal will, Arroyo Willow helps us responsibly create our life experiences while remaining flexibly true to ourselves.
Bear Grass
Bear Grass fosters our knowing that no outside influence can overpower our deeply held intentions. It keeps us steadily centered in our hearts.
Big Root Jatropha
Excellent for “growth spurts”, Big Root Jatropha encourages a feeling of security as great inner expansion takes place. It helps us to feel safe enough to allow change to happen without the need to control everything.
Birdcage Evening Primrose
Birdcage Evening Primrose is for those who are overly influenced by what others think is right for them. It helps us see through other’s projected images and ideals to realize forms of self-expression that are in harmony with our essential nature. It enhances belief in ourselves and discernment of our own unique soul pattern.
Bisbee Beehive Cactus
Bisbee Beehive helps take us to the core of an issue and feel grace and healing energy at a cellular level. It is very often indicated for recovery of sexual or physical abuse.
Black Locust
Those who disregard others around them and insist upon their own way can find a softening effect from this flower essence. It helps balance masculine assertiveness with feminine yielding and nurturance.
Bloodroot is for those who exclude themselves, or feel ostracized, from a group or community, usually because of deep feelings of unworthiness. It helps heal the wounds of rejection and free us from the bonds of unworthiness.
Bougainvilla relaxes the body and deepens our breathing, encouraging feelings of peace and ease. By provoking self-reflection and inner listening, crisis is met with stillness and non-reactivity.
Bouvardia fortifies our will to confront life directly and consciously, changing emotional reactivity and avoidance patterns into positive response and action. An excellent essence for denial.
Bright Star
Bright Star is indicated when we are unable to say “No” to an entangling situation or person. It helps us have healthy boundaries by trusting that we deserve what we want.
Buffalo Gourd
Buffalo Gourd helps us maintain a deep inner place of healing and calm while participating in external activity. The keyword here is balance, knowing that “I Am the center”.
While gently diffusing old patterns, Camphorweed brings a sense of purpose and appropriateness, helping us to stay on track, feel grounded and bring things into manifestation. It is excellent for when we find ourselves caught up in adrenaline producing situations.
Candy Barrel Cactus
Fostering mental and emotional calmness, Candy Barrel helps us recognize our inner wisdom and uncover long stored abilities.
Cane Cholla Cactus
Cane Cholla Cactus helps us leap to a new perspective when we struggle with an issue and insist upon defining it in such a way as to block its resolution.
Canyon Grapevine
For issues of autonomy, Canyon Grapevine brings appreciation of others as interdependent rather than competing. This essence helps us find a balance between dominance and dependency and encourages us to see obstacles as opportunities.
Cardinal Flower
This flower essence helps us to redirect sexual energy into other usable forms of energy. It is excellent during menopause, or for those who allow the fives senses to dictate their responses rather than mastering their bodies and senses.
Cardon Cactus
Powerful energy is released as repressed feelings of inadequacy and inferiority are unlocked. Helps us accept our shadow side so that it becomes a source of strength and confidence.
Claret Cup Hedgehog Cactus
Clarity and focus are the key words for this hedgehog cactus. This is an excellent essence for manifestation, meditation or any situation requiring mental steadiness and acuity.
Cliff Rose
Cliff Rose helps us unite our will, our intention and the power to act. It is for those of us who are always meaning to manifest an altruistic goal but never quite manage to do so.
Compass Barrel Cactus
Compass Barrel Cactus helps us move through an emotional state by lightening up and letting go, trusting our inner wisdom to point the way.
Coral Bean
Coral Bean helps overcome a drug-like dulling of the survival instinct. It stimulates focus and will in facing or recovering from dangerous situations.
Cow Parsnip
For those who take life too seriously and feel that they are responsible for everything and often have an underlying sense of insecurity.
Creosote Bush
Supports us in releasing what is unexpressed or held in which is usually at the root of self-imposed separation from others. It brings us a sense of being freed. Often used for resolving the feeling that something is missing in life.
Crown of Thorns
For those who believe that they must pay a price for love, or that everything worthwhile is difficult to obtain, this essence helps us to know that abundance is our birthright. It is also excellent for those who are invested in the perspective of good and bad, or positive and negative.
For those with a defeatism attitude, or those who experience the world as unsupportive or hostile, Crownbeard helps us to keep faith and optimism. It helps us to transmute fears of hostility and find purposeful expression.
When we feel inadequate, weak, emotionally needy or detached from the flow of vital life force, Damiana relaxes and restores our radiant fullness of energy and sensuality.
Desert Broom
When we want to accomplish something but all parts of our being are not in alignment with our desire, Desert Broom helps us to find resolution and readiness to take the next step. Resolution is the key word for this essence, especially when we want to go deeply into a matter but something holds us back.
Desert Christmas Cholla Cactus
This cholla cactus helps us communicate our limits with humor and ease, especially if we get caught up in other people’s needs or expectations. It is wonderful support when we have too many demands upon us and feel overextended.
Desert Holly
Desert Holly helps us live in a heart-centered state, opening easily to love rather than working at it. It is excellent for those who feel stifled by smothering love or for those who live from their heads rather than from their hearts.
Desert Jointfir
Activates our will and our innate healing resources, bringing directedness, vision and determination. Through confidence in our self-healing abilities, we learn to escape potentially damaging situations.
Desert Marigold
When we think that someone else has power over us, Desert Marigold helps us recognize how we actually give the power to them. For taking responsibility and transforming victim consciousness.
Desert Sumac
Desert Sumac helps us transform the pain of loneliness and separation by seeing beyond the superficial differences in people. It is for those who feel they are on the outside looking in in social relationships.
Desert Willow
With Desert Willow, we are supported in feeling respite and in having a perspective of abundance. It is helpful for perfectionism and inflexibility, fostering a perspective of comfort and ease.
Devil’s Claw
Devil’s Claw activates our natural sense of morality. This essence supports us in taking responsibility for owning and expressing who we really are, separate from the projections of others. It is useful if we find ourselves using attractiveness or personal magnetism to manipulate others, or if we try to become who we think others want us to be.
Dogbane helps us to access the courage to follow our rebellious instincts, what is an important part of growth and change. It is for the fear that our rebellion will hurt or damage others, and the fear that we cannot take care of ourselves if we leave home. This is the essence to support self-confidence.
This yellow flower helps us to assimilate and clarify information, knowledge or wisdom. It helps us to bring things through into consciousness that are felt or sensed but not yet known.
Evening Star
Evening Star is wonderful for problems of intimacy in relationships due to doubt about our emerging identity. It encourages us in shifting from outer dependence to self-reliance with confidence and quiet surety.
Fairy Duster
Fairy Duster balances the tendency to swing between high and low energy states. We can use this essence when we have inflated expectations or build castles in the air. It is excellent for nervous excitability and over-reactivity to stimuli.
Fire Prickly Pear Cactus
This prickly pear cactus helps us redistribute energy (or focus) if we are concentrating too much attention on one part of our lives (or bodies) to the detriment of the whole.
Fishhook Cactus
Fishhook Cactus is for those who hide behind non-communication. It is especially indicated for the fear of risking in communication. It supports us with confidence in public speaking, intimate relationships or for speaking foreign languages.
Foothills Paloverde
An essence of choice for those of us who are judgmental of ourselves or others, Foothills Paloverde supports us in quieting our minds and finding perfection within ourselves, just as we are. It is also helpful if we feel at the mercy of our emotions.
Hackberry helps us if we have resistance to feeling grief. Sometimes we have an idea of how long it is appropriate to grieve, but our feelings don’t match.
Hairy Larkspur
For those with a compulsion or addiction for sweet things, this essence helps us untangle our association of sweet things with a sense of reward. It is excellent for helping us to clarify the difference between desire and self-nurturance.
Hedgehog Cactus
Hedgehog Cactus helps us sort out the difference between self-nurturance and overindulgence. It intensifies empathetic perceptions, bringing us closer to nature.
For those of us who become too easily distracted by the needs of others, Hoptree supports us in staying in alignment with our purpose and remaining focused on what is essential to us. It is excellent for anxiety about boundary making.
Indian Root
Do you find yourself trying too hard and making things complex? Indian Root helps us value simplicity. It releases deep seated fears that block our free-flowing creative expression.
Indian Tobacco
This peace fostering essence supports us when we view growth processes as hindrances rather than opportunities. It brings a heightened perception of depth and meaning, assisting us to see below the surface of things.
Indigo Bush
Indigo Bush helps anchor our spiritually achieved ideas into daily life. It warms the heart and brings the light of clear seeing or inner sight to an area that needs it.
Inmortal goes to the core of shame and self-esteem issues. It is excellent for resolving feelings of despair, feeling that problems are insoluble, and feeling inadequate. It helps us know the magnificence that we really are.
For the overly sensitive individual who finds it hard to cope with the mundane, Jojoba brings a sense of ease and security. This grounding essence helps us to participate in daily life and relationships.
Jumping Cholla Cactus
Fostering inner balance, Jumping Cholla Cactus is an antidote for frenzied rushing around. It helps us respond rather than react to life.
Klein’s Pencil Cholla Cactus
This cactus essence encourages our creativity and growth in dealing with a relationship that feels stuck. It is excellent for when we stay in a relationship that is not supporting our growth in some way.
Lavender Wand Penstemon
For those who have an inability to deal with emotionally charged issues, this flower essence helps enhance our ability to move into and through difficult issues. It helps bring emotional objectivity and transforms attitudes of struggle and difficulty into ones of confident ease and steadiness of intention.
For those who nostalgically cling to the past or to old ways of being, Lilac helps us to let go. It is a cleansing essence that helps us realize that we are complete or finished with something.
Mala Mujer
Mala Mujer helps the positive expression of feminine qualities, releasing emotional tensions and bringing a lighter, more honest quality to our overall self-expression. It is for when we are bitchy, venomous, shrewish, or grouchy. (Guys! This means you too!)
If we have a false persona, Mariola restores the congruence of our inner experience and outer expression, provoking our essential honesty and enthusiasm.
Mariposa Lily
Self-mothering brings joy and freedom, healing separation and alienation. We become receptive to human love.
Melon Loco
Melon Loco helps step down the intensity of our emotions in order to bring us back into our bodies. It helps us have emotional sensibility, responsibility and balance.
Opening ourselves to abundance and pleasure, Mesquite amplifies compassion and warmth. This is a great essence for loners and for those who feel an inner barrenness.
Mexican Shell Flower
This essence supports our willingness to confront life and its possibilities. It is excellent for “coming out of our shell”.
Mexican Star
Mexican Star helps us embody strong, self-contained individuality. By knowing that our inner strength is our foundation for survival, we enjoy our uniqueness rather than feeling isolated by it.
Milky Nipple Cactus
The Milky Nipple Cactus person demands constant attention from others. This “weaning” essence calms, gives a sense of belonging to the earth and transforms dependence into self-nurturing autonomy.
Morning Glory Tree
This essence is excellent for becoming conscious of issues of ancestral addictions. It facilitates a conscious chance to change patterns that may be latent or active from our families of origin.
Mountain Mahogany
Mountain Mahogany provides a gentle but firm push toward our next stage of development. Helpful when we become complacent.
Looking for help from sources that are not really supporting you. Finding inner emotional self-nurturance when outer support is not available. It brings a sense of security, purpose, protection.
If we have subconscious or unexpressed feelings that erupt in uncontrolled ways, Ocotillo gives insight into and acceptance of our emotions without feeling victimized by them.
Oregon Grape
When we are never quite satisfied by our performance, the Oregon Grape helps us develop trust for ourselves and others. An important essence for helping to restore hormonal balance, it supports us in overcoming fear of emotional hostility.
Organ Pipe Cactus
This cactus helps us survive the dark night of the soul wherein we question our foundations for being. It supports in dealing with mundane aspects of our lives while we allow deep transformation to take place.
Palmer Amaranth
For those who focus on inessential things rather than getting to the root of the matter, Palmer Amaranth enhances insights as we awaken to a deeper perception of our being. This essence helps us to nourish our roots so we can flower and fruit.
Pencil Cholla Cactus
For confusion, feeling lost or overwhelmed by details. It helps us focus continually in a specific direction and find steadiness with our intention. It brings clarity and surrender into and through obstacles.
Periwinkle helps us to integrate and contemplate where we have come from in order to provide wisdom and understanding for the next phase of life. It is excellent when we attempt to forge on ahead into a new project or aspect of our lives without learning from where we have been.
Pink Pond Lily
For self-deception or when we cling to old ways of perceiving ourselves or others. Also for a deep feeling of being unsafe resulting from old traumas. It fosters total knowing that there is only trust, perfection and safety in being.
Pomegranate embodies the primal urge to produce, create, procreate and care for. It is excellent for difficulty in giving or receiving maternal support due to a lack of childhood nurturance. It helps when we try hard but get nowhere because our commitment isn’t total or right.
Prickle Poppy
This flower essence helps us to be in touch with our natural rhythms and cycles, both physically and emotionally. It is for those who have a taskmaster attitude towards themselves that creates blockages to the natural flow of life energy, and may manifest in joint tension or rigidity. It is excellent for those who are overly controlled.
Prickly Pear Cactus
The key word is adaptability. Its qualities help us surrender to the flow of life’s events. It is excellent for culture shock.
Purple Aster
For those whose hard-working efforts create the feeling that they are isolated and that progress is small and difficult, this flower essence changes the feeling of pursuing a goal to feeling as if you are drawn to it. This is the essence of choice for performance anxieties.
Purple Mat
Purple Mat helps us take risks so we can stay true to ourselves and others. For when we secretly harbor our feelings or needs for fear of being rejected or ridiculed if they were openly exposed.
Queen of the Night Cactus
The Queen of the Night can help us sink deeply into the intuitive root of our being to ground our subtle sensitivities. It helps us open to the qualities of the moon in our daily life, experiencing the blissful perspective of deeper understanding, feeling and sensuality.
Rainbow Cactus
Rainbow Cactus is a searchlight to illumine something dark or held in. Releasing petrified emotion without becoming entangled in it, we emerge bright, free and whole. It is excellent for meditation or regression work as it facilitates easy movement from one state of consciousness to another.
If we are pulled between two choices, Ratany enables us to recognize, follow and communicate the truth in our hearts.
Red Root
For those of us who feel guilty because others suffer and we do not, Red Root helps us release enmeshment. It is also for situations in which we are motivated by superstitions or other unconscious forces.
Red-Orange Epiphyllum
This essence facilitates grounding of Goddess energy into worldly existence. An excellent essence for manifestation.
Sacred Datura
Sacred Datura facilitates seeing beyond our present view of reality to a more comprehensive, visionary state. When appropriate, it supports us in letting go of a known or familiar reality, such as a relationship or job, without feeling threatened.
Saguaro Cactus
Saguaro helps us know and trust our inner wisdom and authority. It restores the will to live, to heal and to be the best that we are. It assists us in accessing the perfect inner father who encourages us on in life.
If we have difficulty in bringing a project or some aspect of ourselves to fruition or completion, Salsify supports us in the maturation process. It is excellent for finding all the vital elements for growth and the expression of our full potential.
Sangre de Drago
This flower essence helps us create good psychic boundaries based upon appropriate discrimination and natural morality. It is excellent for those who are afraid of their psychic nature as it fosters the acceptance of sensitive abilities with grounded practicality.
Scarlet Morning Glory
Some of us think about what we will do in the future but never begin to make it reality. For those who have difficulty giving form to their creative impulses, this flower essence stimulates us to get going, making future potential into present reality. It also helps keep us focused if we become caught up in excitement that pulls our focus in other directions.
Scorpion Weed
The strength of innocence and direct confrontation overcomes fear and paralysis. Scorpion Weed helps us with many types of fears: of the consequences of our actions; of our past mistakes; of not being forgiven. It is especially useful when we externalize our fears or when we create monsters out of them.
Senita Cactus
The grandparent’s perspective opens the flow of emotion without pain, without bitterness from the past or expectations for the future. Senita helps us access from within us a soft, sweet support for letting go of old perspectives that keep us locked into unsettled emotions.
Silverleaf Nightshade
Silverleaf Nightshade helps us in recognizing that we have the power to hurt as well as heal. It is used for fear and paralysis created by our minds that keeps us from owning our own power.
Smartweed is for those who believe that since they were hurt before, they will be hurt again. These people hide away and withdraw from perceived dangers of being with others. It encourages openness and willingness to receive love and encouragement from others.
Soaptree Yucca
Soaptree Yucca activates our assertiveness in the expression of our own will or intention, especially if we tend to allow the will of another to dominate us. It helps us to keep sight of our long-term goals with faith, perseverance and endurance.
Sonoran Rainbow Cactus
For those of us who are expecting things to go wrong or be difficult, Sonoran Rainbow Cactus encourages us to let go and allow our hearts to transmute difficult emotions. We know that there is perfection in each moment and each situation, and we begin to live in joy.
Sow Thistle
Sow Thistle helps us deal appropriately with obnoxious behavior, whether our own or that of others. It helps us deal with feeling intimidated by dominating personalities. It is also excellent if we find ourselves wanting a relationship so badly that we don’t give the other person the space they need.
Spanish Bayonet Yucca
An excellent essence to help us when we experience indecisiveness, hesitation or fear in facing challenges. It provokes a unification of our will with our intention.
Spineless Prickly Pear Cactus
With Spineless Prickly Pear, we discover that all we need for survival is contained within us and that we don’t need anything outside of us to Be. We find strength in vulnerability.
Staghorn Cholla Cactus
This cholla cactus activates our innate capacity for self-ordering and reconstruction after a time of transformation and change. It helps us see that change occurs in harmony with our own unique soul plan.
Star Evening Primrose
An excellent essence for those of us with a poor self image, Star Evening Primrose is helpful if we blame our negative feelings on an outside source while simultaneously denying such feelings exist. It is also for those of us who are confused about sexuality and spirituality, or who repress sensuality and put energy into occult, mystical or mental pursuits.
Star Leaf
Star Leaf helps us be simply and purely ourselves, without the need for external approval. It frees up self expression for those who do not recognize or accept their unique contribution to life.
Star Primrose
Now called Star Evening Primrose
Strawberry Cactus
Now called Sonoran Rainbow Cactus
Syrian Rue
An energetic “truth serum”, Syrian Rue is for all issues of lying, being lied to, betrayal, telling the truth, and trustworthiness. It helps us know and trust in our own truth, regardless of external pressures.
Tarbush strengthens inspiration and motivation to change something that has been accepted as a limitation or condition of life. It helps us to identify and release deeply imprinted assumptions or beliefs that work subconsciously.
Teddy Bear Cholla Cactus
A cuddly looking cactus, Teddy Bear Cholla helps with deep fears of intimacy and allowing others close enough to see our perfection. It is also for when we feel impatient with our perceived level of growth or development.
Theresa Cactus
For those who hide behind serving others, this cactus fosters a deep sense of self-care. It helps us change conditional giving into unconditional service.
For those who experience a lack of trust or faith in their spiritual connection, Thistle helps us let down our defensiveness and recognize grace in our lives.
Thurber’s Gilia
For all types of fears that paralyze us, this is the essence of choice. Also for resolving the frustration of our limitations and the paradoxical fear of living without our limitations.
Violet Curls
Violet Curls helps us release, one by one, congested emotions. It supports us in expressing our emotions as they arise so as not to create a backlog of them. We lighten up and are able to have a calm detachment.
Violet Soldier
For those who feel defeated and unable to survive a transformational experience, Violet Soldier helps us find a will to live, to heal, and to overcome all obstacles. Victory is the key word, victory of the spirit over all possible conditions of external existence.
White Desert Primrose
Now called Birdcage Evening Primrose
White Desert Zinnia
Those who have a discouraged attitude towards life and who believe that they can never quite get ahead can use this flower essence. It helps bring the ability to laugh at ourselves or a situation and open ourselves to lightness, merriment and renewal.
White Evening Primrose
This flower essence has a grounding effect for those who feel disconnected from their sense of spirituality. It helps us to be spiritually receptive by being more present in our bodies and in touch with our childlike sense of innocence.
Whitethorn helps us be more gentle with ourselves. It brings a sense of optimistic freshness and helps our thinking to move in new, innovative directions. It helps release us from succumbing to old patterns and habits, especially if we have continued to act them out after initially recognizing them. It is useful for calming adrenaline excess.
Wild Buckwheat
This is the essence to use when you compare yourself to others and set yourself apart from them. When we focus on the differences between us in relationships we isolate ourselves. Wild Buckwheat helps us find and focus on what we have in common, and helps us blend and harmonize with others.
When we feel highly energized at one moment and then depleted in the next, Windflower facilitates a more balanced distribution of energy.
Releasing deep sadness from the past, Wolfberry helps us allow grief to take us to a transpersonal experience. When we experience that something is shifting around inside ourselves but we don’t know what it is, Wolfberry helps us be at peace and allow the process without insisting upon defining it.
Woven Spine Pineapple Cactus
This cactus loosens old emotional tensions in the body when we are overburdened by the “shoulds” of life, helping us become our own best friend. For regeneration of energy after exhaustion, burn-out, travel, or illness.
Zephyr Lily
This is the essence of choice to use for present or past traumas, whether physical, emotional or mental. It allows deep peace and calm as you heal from shock or trauma.